Page 16 of Highball and Chain
Gabe refilled his glass. “I’d marry Maggie with or without them. It may be hard for you to believe, but I love her.”
“I think you’re nuts. I can’t imagine sleeping next to the same woman every night until I die.” The weight of the lie rested heavy in my chest. I’d never admit it out loud, but I’d consider giving it a try with Shanna. Marriage? No freaking way. But something casual that stretched into years? That I could do.
Gabe shrugged. “When Ella’s mother dropped her on my doorstep, and the shit hit the fan with Pops, Maggie was there. She gets my work, puts up with this family, and she can cook.”
I cracked a grin. “She completes you?”
“Yeah, smart-ass, she does. You should be so lucky.”
My mind drifted to the little pixie sleeping upstairs. It’d take a whole lot more than luck to convince Shanna to give me another shot. Then again, what was the point? Between the restaurant and family obligations, I didn’t have time to date.
Unless I walk away… Can I handle the guilt of turning my back on my folks?
“What’s up with Dahlia? I know she has a kid, but she’s freaking hot. I like the whole dark hair, light skin. Like Snow White turned into a supermodel.” Marco wiggled his brows.
“She’s Leo’s friend,” Gabe and I replied together.
“What the hell does that mean?”
“No clue, but she’s off limits,” Gabe said.
“Well damn.”
I turned my head in Marco’s direction. “You were talking about hitting on Shanna five minutes ago.”
“Hedging my bets. You guys remember what that’s like? Before you needed a little blue pill to get it up?”
“That’s it.” I jumped up, and Gabe followed. We lunged for our brother, and all three of us went into the pool.
Several dunkings later, I eased away from the melee. “What does Maggie know about the business?”
“More than she should.” Gabe lifted himself from the water and sat on the deck. “But I assured her I’m running things different now that Pops is retired.”
“Shit, man. What did you tell her?” I didn’t see eye-to-eye with Gabe on most things, but I never thought he’d be foolish enough to bring women into the mix.
“The truth. Leo went to negotiate with the Lazios. We want out. It’s not like the old days.”
He had a point. Since the World Trade Center fell, the US government and the European Union had come up with more and more regulations. Moving assets had gone from challenging to nearly impossible, and the penalties for getting caught were steep.
While I could get behind his reasons, the logistics concerned me. “What’s the plan?”
“We buy the other families out and go legit.” Gabe folded his arms.
“And if they refuse?”
“I won’t take no for an answer.” He shrugged. “None of us signed up for this shit. We might have been born into it, but we’re more American than Sicilian.”
“I should talk to Nicolina. She has some sway with her father.” I had a bad feeling. Had anyone asked me before sending Leo went to Palermo, I would have protested. Trying to break ties with three generations of Marchionnis in Sicily was asking for trouble.
Gabe dried his hair. “Stop worrying. Pops is aware of what Leo’s doing. I wouldn’t send him without his blessing. Don’t involve Nicolina.”
Marco choked on his beer. “Pops knows you’re taking us legit?”
“Yes, he knows. He got onboard after Maggie was kidnapped.” Frowning, Gabe glanced between us. “You were both at the meeting.”
“I’d hardly use the term onboard to describe Pop’s reaction.” I glanced at Marco.
“Enzo’s right.”