Page 32 of Highball and Chain
Leo shook his head. “No can do. I have to get back to your bar and my restaurant. Plus, Dahlia needs to get home to her son.”
“Hold it down. Pops is trying to rest,” Dante said in a hushed tone.
Despite the noise, my father had drifted back to sleep.
“He doesn’t seem to mind the racket.” I released his hand and stood. “Why are we staying in Sicily?”
“I got a call from Tommaso Abruzzo.” Gabe folded his arms. “He claims the Lazios shot at Enzo in the old city as a warning.”
The news didn’t surprise me, but the fact I’d sent Nico packing gave me pause. Sure, our argument had happened after the incident in Ragusa, but I doubted a pissed off principessa would help the situation. After all, hell hath no fury like a jilted woman.
“What about the wedding?” Dante asked. “Is it safe to have everyone in one place?”
“I have a hard time believing they’d cause trouble at a family gathering, let alone a church.” Gabe dragged his hand down his face. “But I’ll have extra security on the limos and during the ceremony.”
“You’re going through with it without Pops?” I couldn’t imagine any of us saying our vows without him present. It seemed wrong.
“The doctor said he’ll be better once he’s had some rest and oxygen.” Gabe sighed. “Worst-case scenario, he has a wheelchair.”
I doubted my father would be seen in public unless he could walk on his own, but I kept my mouth shut. “I’m not sure I trust the Abruzzos. They’ve had a beef with the Lazios for decades.”
“Whoever is responsible, they crossed the line when they fired around Shanna. I’d feel better if someone accompanied her and Dahlia back to the States,” Leo said.
“Enzo will return to the States with Dahlia, Jessie, and Shanna.” Gabe stiffened his spine and stared at me. “I need the rest of you here. As Pops is so fond of reminding us, power only holds when our enemies know we are strong.”
His insult knocked me for six. “I’m dispensable?”
Gabe’s frown deepened. “None of us are dispensable.”
“Then why send me home when Leo clearly wants to go?” I struggled to keep my voice down. I’d taken this shit from our father my entire life. I refused to take it from Gabe.
Papa Joe pulled his oxygen mask from his face. “Because you are too hotheaded to negotiate and too soft to do what must be done if talks fail.”
I turned to my brothers for support, but they looked away.
The old familiar feeling of standing on the outside watching while my family banded together took a stranglehold on my heart. No matter how hard I worked or how much I accomplished, they would never treat me as an equal.
Nico was right. It’ll take a miracle for my father to be proud of me. “When are we to go?”
“After the wedding.” My father raised his hand a few inches and motioned to my brothers. “Leave us.”
I waited until we were alone and walked to his bedside.
“Your mother tells me you’re sniffing around Maggie’s friend.” He wheezed with each word. “Escort her to New Orleans and end it. You will make amends with Nico.”
Like hell.I wanted to argue, to tell him my personal life was mine and mine alone. Not here. Not now. Not with him like this.
“Promise me, you’ll—” A series of gut-wrenching coughs stole his breath.
Securing his oxygen mask in place, I whispered, “Get some rest, Pops.”
* * *
I joinedMaggie by the glass doors. “How is Papa Joe?”
Her eyes were red, but she smiled when I approached. “He’s better. The doctor came with an oxygen tank. He didn’t think he needed it, so he left his at home. They gave him something to help him breathe. He’s sleeping now.”