Page 39 of Highball and Chain
We smiled. Sure, she looked amazing, but she was like a sister to us.
The emotions started when Dahlia walked forward. Leo gasped, shifted in place, and cleared his throat. Muttering a few words that shouldn’t be spoken in church, he dipped his chin.
If I had any doubt how Leo felt about her, his little display cleared it up. “Careful or you’ll be next.”
“Can’t happen.” Leo fixed his eyes straight ahead.
Can’t, not won’t?Interesting choice of words, but I didn’t have time to ponder them.
Shanna came next. I’m sure I wore the same shell-shocked expression as my brother. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something about her did it for me. She was shorter than my typical woman, her skin paler, her hair shorter, her breasts smaller. Still, Shanna’s smile made my breath catch. I couldn’t look away.
Leo nudged me. “Careful or you’ll be next.”
“It’ll never happen.”
“Uh huh.”
“She’s Jewish.” Besides my strict anti-matrimony policy, my mother would have a coronary.
“Whoa.” Leo leaned over and said something to Gabe.
The groom tilted his head and met my gaze. A slight smile curved his lips before he turned his attention to the doors.
Chloe danced her way to the front of the church, tossing rose petals as she moved. I didn’t envy Gabe. This one would grow into a handful. Quick tongued, funny, smart and beautiful, my niece would bring him many sleepless nights.
“My God,” Gabe whispered.
I followed his gaze to the doors of the church. Silhouetted by the sunlight, Maggie shimmered with each step. When the doors closed, her smile replaced the sunlight.
I leaned forward to see Shanna’s reaction, but found her staring at me. I winked, and she covered her mouth likely to hide her laughter. Italian women didn’t blush the same as Americans. I loved her rosy cheeks.
Leo nudged me again, and motioned to Gabe, who had actual tears running down his cheeks. I’d flirt. Hell, I might fall in love given half a chance, but I’d never turn into such a sap.
In typical Roman Catholic form, the ceremony went on and on and on. We stood. We knelt. We stood again. We prayed. We sang. We pretended to understand Latin and knelt again. By the time Gabe and Maggie marched back down the aisle, I was in desperate need of food and a stiff drink.
Leo skipped past Shanna and escorted Dahlia.
I tilted my head and offered my arm. Shanna’s smile rivaled the bride’s. She looped her arm in mine and we strode toward the doors.
All was well until we reached the limo.
The newlyweds were going at it like a couple of horny teenagers.
“Christ.” I glanced at the other cars. “I could see if there’s room with my parents.”
“No thanks.” Shanna slid across the seat and removed her jacket.
Joining her, I laid my head back, and stared at the ceiling. I knew no rules for this situation. If Gabe and Maggie were dating, I’d bust his balls but kissing his new wife seemed sacred. “Dammit.”
“What?” Gabe pulled away, grinning.
“Nothing. Sorry, forgot my cigarettes.”
“You don’t smoke.”
“With all the sexy-time going on in here, I might start.”
“Ditto.” Shanna raised her hand.