Page 78 of Highball and Chain
The Marchionni mansionglittered and gleamed the same as it had when I’d left, but for me, it’d lost its luster. The front rooms had a museum quality coldness to them that set me on edge. The kitchen felt as empty as a set for a fancy cooking show. Even the massive man-cave seemed suffocating.
Enzo hadn’t said much since we’d left the firehouse. Not like I had anything to say to him, anyway. With no new information about Mr. Boogerre, my already cracked heart had splintered a little more.
I’d hoped a visit with Mrs. Dixon would brighten my mood, but she hadn’t answered when I called.
I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed my mom. I had no intention of getting into my personal life, but I’d put off telling her about the building long enough.
“Shoshanna, I was just about to call you.” My mother sounded out of breath. “Are you still in Sicily? Honey, I have bad news about the building.”
I could count the times I’d lied to her on one hand, but I couldn’t tell her the truth. If she knew I’d returned, she’d likely ask me to be her eyes on the ground with all things fire. At the same time, Mrs. Dixon and the business manager at the fire station knew I was back. It was only a matter of time before my mom discovered the truth.
“Shoshanna? Are you still there?” She muttered something about international calls.
The familiarity of her voice anchored me enough that my thoughts cleared. “I’m here. Mom, I only have a minute. I know about the fire. Mrs. Dixon called me. Are you insured?”
“Yes, yes. Don’t worry about the building.” She quieted for a moment. When she spoke again, she used her mom voice. “But it doesn’t cover personal belongings. You were behind on your rent. Please tell me you kept up with your renter’s policy.”
I closed my eyes and bit back a groan. So much for a little maternal nurturing. “I’m good, Mom, but I need to go.”
“Have fun and send loads of pictures. Give Maggie a hug and kiss from me.”
I disconnected the call.
Unable to sit still, and too tired to start my job search, I debated going for a swim. Only when I walked outside, the pool deck reminded me of Enzo and that damned wine. Not happening.
I poked my head into the library and found him reading a gigantic book. It made zero sense, but him sitting there so at ease, riled my temper.
He glanced up and gave me a half-assed smile. “Would you like to join me?”
“I’m dyslexic.” The words fell from my mouth before I could stop them.
He set the novel on the table beside him. “My mother has a collection of audiobooks. What do you like to read?”
“I don’t like to read anything. Did you miss the part where I said I was dyslexic?”
Enzo gave me a nervous smile that told me he had no clue what to say.
I held my hand up. I didn’t have the energy to explain my learning disability, nor did I feel comfy-cozy enough to make myself more vulnerable to him. “Forget it. I think I’ll go take a bubble bath.”
He arched a brow. “Is that code for sneaking out the back door?”
I gave him my best dirty look, turned on my heel, and marched upstairs. What was I thinking, coming back here?
The keys Jack had given me weighed a few ounces, but they felt heavy in my pocket. I could leave. Enzo would never find me down in Terrebonne Parish. Heck, I wasn’t sure I could find my way to the marina without asking Jack for directions.
Life would be so easy with a man like Jackson Landry. For one thing, he’d stuck with me for years. We’d met at a football game, him rooting for the Saints, and me wearing my Miami Dolphins jersey. Since that day, he’d been my shoulder to cry on, plus one when I needed a date, and my personal handyman. He’d seen me at my best and my absolute worst. I doubted he’d leave me even if the relationship grew stale.
Is that what I want? Stale? Familiar? Safe? Comfortable like an old pair of sweats? There are worse things than sharing your life with your best friend.
I stripped out of my clothes and wrapped a fluffy white towel around myself while I filled the tub. I couldn’t lie to Jack and pretend I felt the same way about him. It wouldn’t be fair to either of us. Not when I was in love with Enzo.
Leave it to me to choose the rollercoaster over the merry-go-round. I went back into my room for a change of clothes and found Enzo sitting in the chair beside my window. I clutched the towel tighter to my chest. “I thought you said I would have privacy in this room?”
He stood and walked to me. “I was upset with Gabe and Leo this morning. I wasn’t thinking straight, and then when I saw you with Jack…I was jealous. I took my frustrations out on you. I’m sorry.”
“Forget it.” I turned my back to him to eliminate the temptation to touch him.