Page 81 of Highball and Chain
I didn’t dare move.Hell, I didn’t dare breathe. Had she said what I thought she said?
Mother of God. She told me she loves me. Don’t panic.
It took me a few seconds to realize Shanna had gone still beside me. Too still. I had no fucking clue what to say to her. I had feelings for her. If I were honest, I was falling hard for the pixie, but I’d never said those three little words to a woman. When I did, I wanted to be absolutely sure I meant them.
“I didn’t mean to say that. It’s just…” She sighed and lifted her head to meet my gaze. “You just gave me my first set of multiple-Os. Nothing that’s said after sex counts.”
I brushed her hair back from her eyes. “It’s okay.”
“I feel like a dork.” She covered her face.
The most adorable dork I’ve ever seen. “Nothing said in or immediately after the heat of passion counts. Everyone knows that.”
Shanna peeked at me from between her fingers. “Whew…I’m glad you agree… That would have been awkward. But really…Heat of passion? Admit it. You’re a closet romance reader.”
“What can I say, you bring out my inner-Fabio.” I smiled and pulled her close to hide my little white lie. As unprepared as I was for her to confess her feelings for me, I preferred her saying she loved me to acting as if the very notion was absurd.
I waited until Shanna’s breathing slowed, and her body went limp beside me, before easing my arm out from beneath her and rolling to my back. I’m in over my fucking head. I can’t saddle her with my family and everything that comes along with it. This will never work between us unless I walk away…
The second-to-the-top stair squeaked, and footsteps echoed on the hardwood floors in the hall. I blew it off as Hildie going about her daily routine.
Shanna stirred beside me. “What’s that noise?”
“Probably one of Hildie’s minions pushing a cleaning cart.” I rolled to my side and brushed my fingers over her swollen lips. “Ready for round two?”
“Now? I haven’t recovered from round one.” She might have protested, but the coy curve of her mouth told me she liked the idea. Any remaining doubt vanished when she pushed me to my back and slid on top of me.
Drawing slow circles down her spine, I whispered, “Kiss me.”
Shanna brushed her lips over mine. A feather’s touch, but it turned me on as much as the passionate exchanges we’d shared earlier. This kiss was knowing and sweet and full of promise.
My cock hardened instantly, but the echo of those three words filled my head. She’s looking at me all drowsy and sated and completely infatuated. She loves me and I want it. I want her.
“Where did you go?” Shanna sat upright, giving me a spectacular view of her bare chest.
Raising my head, I nuzzled between her teardrop-shaped tits. “I’m here in these spectacular breasts of yours.”
“Thanks, but you’re ridiculous. I can barely fill out a training bra.”
I circled her nipple with my tongue. “I am ridiculous. Ridiculously hard and ridiculously ready to be inside you again.”
Loud knocking startled both of us.
Eyes wide, mouths hanging open, we turned our heads toward the door as if we’d choreographed our reactions.
I couldn’t give two shits if any of the staff knew what we were up to, but I doubted Shanna felt the same. I met her gaze and pressed my finger to my lips before calling out. “I don’t want to be disturbed.”
She bit her lip.
Marco threw the door open. “Tough shit. Why are you sleeping in here… Oh!”
Shanna fell flat against my chest, eased off, and rolled herself in the comforter like a burrito. Great plan, except, it only left me a few inches of cover.
Laughing like a damned hyena, Marco shielded his face with his arm. “Dude, get dressed before you put someone’s eye out!”
“Leave!” If I didn’t care about the staff catching us, I sure as hell didn’t care about my idiot little brother. However, I didn’t intend to give him the opportunity to see more of Shanna’s body. As it was, he’d gotten an eyeful of her exposed breasts.