Page 10 of Single Malt Drama
This was Italy.Men stared. Like the fact birds flew, it was a simple rule of nature. However, Marco Marchionni had taken staring to an entirely different level. To make matters worse, my body responded to his traveling gaze as if he’d caressed me—everywhere.
I crossed my arms to hide my nipples and prayed to the Virgin Mary he hadn’t noticed them. We were friends, best friends, and if my father had his way, I’d be his sister-in-law by the end of the week. Looking, even without touching, would end in disaster.
“Have a seat, beautiful.” Marco sat on the sofa like a man who owned the world. Arms draped across the back, and long legs spread out before him, he ate up more real estate than necessary. Despite his easy manner, I had a feeling his posture was by design.
I glanced between him and the chairs on the other side of the room.
“I’m not going to bite.” He patted the small space beside him.
I sat on the sofa and regretted it. The tight confines made it impossible for either of us to move without touching the other.
He shifted his entire body toward mine. “Dante made an executive decision. He’s taking us to Comiso.”
“It’s too dangerous.” Of course, Marco changed the plans without consulting me. I had second and third thoughts about involving him in my escape. If my father got wind he’d helped me, it could lead to violence like Sicily hadn’t seen since the early days of the mafia.
“I need to know where you want to land in the States for the flight plan, and Maria and Alessio’s passport info for the flight manifest.”
“Okay, but—”
“No buts. After you drop them, you can take the jet anywhere you need to go, or I can rent you a car.”
“They’re going to Canton, Ohio, but you’ve done enough. This is… You… You had no right to make this decision for me.” I was so angry, I wanted to smack the goofy grin off his face.
“Think about it, Nic. We never would have made it to Pantelleria before your father’s goons. We have security in Comiso, and you’ll be safe once you’re in the air.”
He was right and I knew it, but I didn’t like it. “Marco, I need to learn to take care of myself. I didn’t flee my father to have another man run my life.”
“That’s not what I’m doing here—” He hung his head. “I get it. We both grew up with other people calling the shots for us. I apologize.”
“Thank you.” I curled into the corner of the couch. “And no rental cars. You shouldn’t put anything in your name.”
“Who said anything about it being in my name?” Chuckling, he stood, walked to a cabinet, and tossed a passport at me.
“It’s German?” I opened the cover and laughed. “Fredrick Fassbender? Any relation to the actor?”
“If anyone asks, I tell them I’m a distant cousin.” Marco snatched it from me and dropped it into his shirt pocket. “I have a credit card with the same alias tucked in the back.”
“It makes you sound like a porn-star. Do you use that when you pick up women?”
Like his brothers, Marco Marchionni had a reputation for being quite a player. Unlike his brothers, Marco lived up to said reputation. I’d given up trying to keep track of his countless one-night-stands long ago. The man seemed incapable of making a commitment.
“Maybe a few times, but not anymore. I’m thinking it’s time to grow up, stop sleeping around, settle down…”
Since when?“Good for you.”
His expression grew serious. “Do you have enough money to live on? What about Alessio and Maria?”
“I filled a bag with cash from my father’s safe before I left. I’m planning to give most of it to them.” Honestly, I had no idea how much I’d need to start a new life. Nor did I know how long it would take to drive from Ohio to New Orleans or how to get there or how to fill a gas tank.
The reality of my situation hit me. What have I done?
“Hey.” Marco wrapped his arms around me. “What’s wrong? Talk to me.”
“I was thinking about… about…” For the first time in my life, I couldn’t tell him the truth. What would he think if he knew how useless I was in the real world?
“Nic, you can tell me anything. You know that.” He motioned to himself. “This is a no judgment zone.”