Page 33 of Single Malt Drama
“With the mayor in their pocket, the local authorities will turn a blind eye. I’m more concerned with the fact our homes and businesses are here. I can’t imagine the Abruzzos will want us to remain in the city.”
“I agree. They aren’t known to share.” Nico sighed, and I couldn’t help but wonder about her relationship, or lack thereof, with her mother’s side of the family.
“Do you honestly believe they will run you out of town?” Shanna glanced between us.
“Once they have a solid foothold, yeah. I do.” Gabe’s voice hardened. “Like it or not, this business with the mayor is Pops’ bad karma coming back to bite us in the ass.”
I rested my elbows on my thighs and clasped my hands. “Before we get too far down the Sins of the Father road, how can we stop this?”
Nico sighed. “If Enzo and I get married, the other families will support the union. The Abruzzos are strong, but they can’t stand against everyone.”
The fuck is she thinking?
Shanna dipped her chin.
“My goal is for us to go legit, not force people into a marriage they don’t want,” Gabe said.
“Your mother has been working with Pietro Lazio. She plans to put Enzo in your place as head of the family once he and Nico are married.” Shanna’s words hit me like a high caliber bullet to the brain.
She’s in love with him, but she freaking handed Enzo to Nico on a silver platter? What the hell happened between them tonight? Not only that, but she let the damned cat out of the bag. It’s over. Son of a bitch. I’ve lost Nico before I even had her.
I rubbed my breastbone to ease the ache. Somewhere along the line my friendship with Nico had morphed into something more. Something that scared the living shit out of me. Something I wasn’t ready to let go.
Nico nodded. “She’s right.”
Gabe’s voice rose. “Enzo?”
“I’d planned to tell you during this call. Ma thought if I took over, I could cut the rest of you lose without any bloodshed.”
Gabe cleared his throat. “Is this what you want? To take over?”
“Does it matter?” Enzo swallowed hard and pressed his lips into a tight line.
Holy shit. He looks like he’s going to cry. He doesn’t want it.
My mind blanked, and I broke out in a cold sweat. For as long as I could remember, Enzo had made noise about wanting to be the next Marchionni capo. He’d spent his entire life trying to prove himself to my father only to be pushed aside in favor of first Joe Jr., and then Gabe. Never in a million years had I thought he’d give up the chance to lord over the rest of us.
Gabe exhaled a deep breath. “I’m willing to work with you for now, and step aside once things are settled. What will it be? Do you want this or not?”
Enzo hesitated and my heart slammed against my chest. My entire life hung on his answer.
No. Not my entire life. I have feelings for Nico, but that doesn’t mean I’m in love with her. Sure, it’d hurt like a bitch to see her marry my brother, but I’d get over it. Wouldn’t I? Who am I kidding? Having Nico for a sister-in-law would freaking kill me.
Nico filled the silence. “Before you answer that, know that my father will side with the Abruzzos if there is no wedding.”
I shot her a pleading look. She didn’t want the marriage. She’d done everything in her power to get out of it. Why was she pushing him for it now?
“I figured as much, but that doesn’t change my mind about sentencing the two of you to a life of unhappiness,” Gabe said. “Enzo? Do you want to take over?”
I blew out a breath. “Thank Christ.”
Shanna stood. “You said you did.”
“At one point, I thought so, but I’ve changed my mind.” Enzo gave her a what-the-fuck look, and so did I.
She ignored him and leaned closer to the speaker phone. “Gabe, give him some time to think it over. It’s been a rough night.”