Page 82 of Single Malt Drama
I drew a breath and chose my words carefully. “My father’s word he will honor my marriage and not stand in the way of Gabe’s plans for the Marchionnis to leave the Cosa Nostra.”
Evelyn sighed far too dramatically for my liking. “Nico, you of all people should know it’s not that simple. It’s irresponsible to walk away from your duties without making sure the people who depend on you are taken care of.”
She’s baiting me, but why? What can she possibly hope to gain?“In this situation, I disagree.”
“That’s your right, but you should know…your father and I have come to an agreement. Marco will take Gabe’s place. It’s time you both return to Sicily. Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.”
My blood turned to ice.
“I’ll speak to Marco about the party and…and the rest.”
“Goodbye, Nico. I do hope you will make the right decision.” She disconnected the call.
Hildie stood and embraced me. “My goodness, you’re pale as a sheet. Sit down, I’ll get you a glass of water.”
I needed to talk this through, but I wasn’t sure how much, if anything, Hildie knew about the Marchionnis. “Do you know why my father and Evelyn wanted me to marry Enzo?”
She pressed her lips together. “They wanted him to take over the business.”
My father had gone to great lengths to keep his employees from learning about his dealings. Sure, some of them knew bits and pieces, but none would outright admit it the way she had.
Hildie must have picked up on my confusion, because she said, “Don’t look so surprised. Evelyn and I talk…or she talks and I listen, but not much happens in that house without me knowing.”
“The Marchionnis do things very different than what I am used to.” I sighed and took her hand. “Now that I am married to Marco, they want him to take Papa Joe’s place in the Fratellanza.”
“I wasn’t happy when Gabe stepped in, but he’s as slick as a greased pig. Enzo wanted it, but he wouldn’t have lasted long. He has a tender heart.” She tightened her grip on my fingers. “But Marco? Marco will do well. Too well.”
Hildie was obviously as worried as I was, but she made no sense. “What do you mean too well?”
“His attention to detail is what makes him a good attorney and business man, but…”
My heart raced. He’d spent countless hours trying to figure out who was buying pieces of the Marchionni Corporation and had refused to give up. “He’s going to ask too many questions and not stop digging until he gets the answers.”
Hildie nodded. “These aren’t the kind of people who appreciate others knowing their secrets.”
Oh my God. She’s right. “I’ll talk to him, get him to promise me he won’t accept the position.”
Even as I said the words, I knew what his answer would be. He’d do it. He’d step in, not because he wanted the power, because he’d take the opportunity to set things right with my father, and finish the job Gabe started.
I could see the future laid out before me…a big house, work-a-holic husband, and more funerals. Many more funerals.