Page 91 of Single Malt Drama
“I need to talk to Maria’s sister.” Shaking and unable to think straight, I searched the cabin for my phone.
“Here. Use mine.” He handed me his cell. “The number is on the screen.”
I dialed.
“Hello?” Maria’s sister sounded as if she’d been sleeping or crying or both.
“Rosa, this is Nico. Tell me what happened.”
The woman burst into tears. “Men came. They destroyed my house looking for the money you gave Maria.”
I could barely get the words out. “Was anyone hurt?”
“No, Alessio agreed to go with no trouble.” She drew a shaky breath. “Maria. She was so scared. Alessio, too. I worry. They are old. Their hearts can’t handle the fear.”
Me too, Rosa. Me too.“I’m going to tell my father I took the money. I’ll make sure they are safe. I swear on my mother’s grave.”
She mumbled a prayer. “Thank you.”
I disconnected and handed the phone back to Marco.
“You aren’t going anywhere near your father.” He stiffened his spine. “I’ll handle this.”
“By beating him at his own game.” He folded his arms. “I’m sick of our parents manipulating us. I’m going to give them what they want and use it to stop this bullshit once and for all.”
The truth behind what he hadn’t said stole my breath. “No! You promised me. You can’t take the position. You can’t. Not now—”
“Nic, if I don’t do something…” Marco tried to hold me, but I pulled away.
“Don’t you say it. Don’t you dare.” I stood and paced the room. He was talking nonsense, and I needed to figure out how to help Maria and Alessio. I couldn’t begin to imagine how terrified they must be.
“I’ll agree to take Gabe’s place on the condition your father release the Grassos.”
“You don’t want that life and neither do I.” I’d dreamed of the moment I’d tell him we were expecting a baby since I first realized I’d missed my period, but I’d never imagined it quite like this. I opened my mouth to speak, but he cut me off.
Male voices and heavy footsteps on the dock filtered in through the open windows.
Marco’s eyes widened. He placed his finger to his lips and motioned for me to get down.
“Nicolina, I know you’re up there. Come outside and talk to me, and no one will get hurt.”
I would have recognized Giancarlo’s big mouth anywhere. My heart lodged in my throat as I dropped to my hands and knees.
My brother wouldn’t kill me, that much I knew, but I wasn’t so sure if he’d hesitate to put a bullet in Marco. Technically, murdering a member of another ruling family required approval from the others. However, my father was never one to let rules get in his way. Besides, killing wasn’t the only thing they could do to him. There was a wide spectrum between being dead and wishing you were.
Marco eased to the floor and reached under the end table for the gun Cyril had lent me.
If they see he’s armed, they’ll shoot him and claim self-defense. Shaking my head, I mouthed, “No.”
Marco checked the rounds. “I’ll distract them. Run to Cyril’s and hide.”
“Are you crazy? There’s one door.”
Giancarlo shouted. “Nico, don’t try my patience. I’d hate to mess up your husband’s pretty face.”
Marco whispered, “Use the emergency ladder in the bathroom window.”