Page 110 of Hot Momosa
I had a problem.A big one. I mean huge.
Gabe glanced at the woman’s image, to the governor, and back to me. He shook his head, but not before I caught recognition in his eyes.
Marco took the phone, frowned, and showed it to his wife.
Nico pressed her lips together shook her head, and handed it to Dante.
My youngest brother stared entirely too long. His olive complexion went pale, then red, then a sickly shade of green. He also glanced at Waylon Calhoun before muttering, “I don’t know her.”
He fucking knew her. I’d bet my right testicle he knew her very well. I’d caught him hanging around the sixth floor of the Marchionni Corporation several times. Specifically, I’d caught him hanging around a cubicle decorated with Star Wars figures and sci-fi posters—and a certain glasses-and-contacts-at-the-same-time-wearing woman.
What the hell does Julia Carpenter have to do with the shooting? Wrong place wrong time? I highly fucking doubt it.
My mother glanced at the screen and sighed. “This woman shot my son?”
She might have played it cool, but she didn’t fool me. Like the others, she’d likely seen Julia at the office or a work function. Hell, my family had made a point of hosting employee parties several times a year to keep up morale. The latest had happened the Friday night before Rocco’s first birthday party.
Although, I didn’t recall seeing Miss Carpenter in attendance.
“We don’t know yet, Ma. Maybe nothing.” I took the cell from her and handed it back to the governor. “Thank you. It was worth a try.”
“Let’s hope the police have better luck.” He glanced at the others in the room, and I held my breath. Waylon Calhoun hadn’t gotten to where he was by being dumb. In fact, he was one of the shrewdest politicians and businessmen I’d ever met.
Sliding the phone into his pocket, he walked to where his grandson was playing with a couple of matchbox cars. He reached down and brushed Gunnar’s dark curls from his forehead before placing a kiss on his temple. “I’ll see you soon, Squirt.”
“See you, Granddaddy.” Gunnar turned and wrapped his arms around the governor’s legs.
Calhoun knelt in front of the child. “Your mamma isn’t feeling well. You’re going to have to be extra good for her, you hear?”
Nodding, Gunnar put his hands on his chest with his elbows sticking out like wings. “I good. Right, Daddy?”
Hearing the boy call me daddy brought a smile to the governor’s face. That or Gunnar’s chicken impression, hard to say. “There’s no mistaking he’s yours.”
My mother muttered under her breath in Italian, but for once in her life, she kept her opinions to herself.
“You should know, I plan to seek legal paternity.” I don’t know why I said it. After everything that had happened, the timing seemed insensitive—almost cruel—but I couldn’t bring myself to give a damn.
“And Dahlia? Do you plan to marry her?” His tone surprised me. In the past, that sort of question would have been asked with a mocking tone. However, he seemed genuinely interested in my response.
“As soon as I can convince her to say yes.”
My family whispered behind me, but like Gunnar, they’d never mastered the art of speaking in hushed tones. They knew how to shout, speak loudly, or mutter, but not whisper.
“I’d wish you good luck, but I doubt you’ll need it.” The governor clamped a hand on my shoulder. “Can I talk to you alone for a moment?”
“Sure.” I followed him down the hall.
He turned and cut to the chase. “I don’t know who that gal in the video is, but you all certainly do. Does this have something to do with the going’s on in Sicily?”
“No. We haven’t been a part of…that in over a year.”
He gave me a less-than-patient smile. “You may not be, but by all reports, Marco is.”
“The woman in the video is an employee at Marchionni Corp.” I had a split second to make a decision on how much to share. With the exception of Marco, we were legitimate businessmen. As far as I was concerned, I had nothing to hide. “I asked her to look into Meriwether after the break in. She dug up a considerable amount of dirt.”
His expression darkened. “You’re telling me she knew about Harry’s ex-wife?”