Page 126 of Hot Momosa
Guzman opened his eyes and grinned. “You got him?”
“See for yourself.” I motioned to the bodyguard zip-tying Becker’s hands behind his back.
Artie sat upright. “That was flippin’ awesome. Did you see me? I didn’t know if the possum attack would work in real life, but it looked good on the video I saw online.”
The dogs yipped and jumped all over us. Evidently, they wanted recognition for their part in taking down the bad guy, too.
I fell back on my ass and laughed. “You never cease to amaze, Artie Guzman.”
Stuart walked over and stared down at us as if we’d lost our minds. “What do you want to do with Becker?”
“Dahlia wants a crack at him before I call the police.” I stood and hoisted Artie to his feet. “You should get out of here before the cops arrive, but leave the poodles.”
“Why?” He narrowed his eyes.
I pointed at Becker’s bleeding ankles. “Those bite marks are going to be hard to explain if there are no dogs here.”
“True.” He knelt to pet the pups.
“I’ll bring them to you once the cops leave.” I nudged his side. “If we’re going to be successful co-parents, we’re going to have to learn to trust each other.”
Artie leaned close to the poodles and whispered something about two-dads and how much we loved them.
“You two need serious help.” Stuart frowned. “Call Dahlia. I’m cutting Marco’s guys loose. They shouldn’t be here when the authorities arrive.”
Twenty minutes later, Dahlia and Beth walked through the front door. I couldn’t say which one was more pissed.
Beth glared at Stuart, Dahlia glared at Robert, and I counted myself lucky not to be on the receiving end of either woman’s wrath.
Dahlia strode to where Robert sat with his wrists and ankles bound. “Was it worth it?”
He smirked.
“My father loved you, you know.” She folded her arms. “Maybe he still does, but he’ll get over you. It broke his heart when Leo told him you tried to kill me and Gunnar.”
Robert turned his head toward the wall. “You don’t get it.”
“I’m pretty sure I do.” She crouched to his eye level. “You two have been together for almost as long as I’ve been alive. You were the man behind the man. The kingmaker. You needed a way to control me, so you invented the stalker. When that didn’t work, you became desperate. How am I doing so far?”
He glared.
“What I’m not sure of is which one of you fell in love first? Or was it a mutual thing?”
My brain hiccupped.
The governor and Becker were a couple? When did she figure that out? Better yet, how did I miss it?
Robert’s eyes widened. “You knew?”
“Not until recently.” Dahlia shook her head. “The sad thing is, had you loved him more than his title, the two of you could have had a wonderful life together. Think about that while you rot in prison.”
His mouth fell open.
She turned to me. “Call the police. I’m done here.”