Page 37 of Hot Momosa
“Drums and snake, too!” He leaned forward and turned my head until he met my gaze. “Okay, Leo?”
Judging by Beth’s laughter, she’d set me up for that one.
“Sure, buddy. We’ll write a letter to Santa when we get home.”
“Love you, Leo.” He hugged me again.
“Gah!” Beth shook her head and followed us back to my building. “You two are enough to make me wish Stuart hadn’t gotten a vasectomy.”
I winced for the sake of the other man’s balls and opened the door for her. “Too much information.”
Back at my place, I pulled Gunnar from my shoulders and planted him at the table with a box of crayons, pencils, and paper. “Do you want me to write the words?”
“I write it.” Gunnar managed to find the only marker in the box and wrapped all five fingers around like a small club. He scribbled a black blob on the paper, frowned, and held the marker out to Beth. “Help, please.”
I took advantage of his distraction to make a couple of calls to set my plan in motion. I ordered cookies from a local bakery and a turkey dinner from my hotel’s restaurant. Within the hour, the unused Christmas decorations at Marchionni Corp would be delivered to the condo. I might not have mob connections, but I could still get shit done.
Now all I need is a tree.
I dialed Dante, my only remaining single brother. The rest would undoubtably have their hands full with their wives and children.
He answered on the second ring. “Hey, bro. What’s up?”
“I need a favor.” Walking out of the room so Gunnar wouldn’t overhear, I whispered, “Any chance you could help me get a Christmas tree today?”
Dante laughed. “It’s not complicated. You go to the lot, pick one out, and drag it home.”
“I can’t leave. I’m watching Dahlia’s son.”
The line went quiet.
“D? You still there?”
“Yeah, I’m here.” He sucked in a breath. “I heard about the trouble she’s having. Are her and the kid with you…permanently?”
“If I have it my way, yes.”
“Is that a good idea?”
I’d had about all I could take with invasive questions for one day. “It’s a very good idea. So good, in fact, I want to surprise them with a fucking tree. Are you going to help me or not?”
“Another one bites the dust.” Dante chuckled. “Looks like I’m the last Marchionni brother standing.”
Pinching the bridge of my nose, I said, “I’m working on it, but I have a long way to go before you need to start planning my bachelor party.”
“How big?”
What the hell is he talking about. “Come again?”
“What size tree are we talking?”
I’d never bothered to put up a tree at my place because my brothers and I crashed at my folks’ over the holidays, but given the rate they were procreating, that would be difficult. “Uh… tall enough to impress a two-year-old.”
“Dude. I’m pretty sure a branch with a star and lights on it would impress a toddler.” He muttered something under his breath. “I’ll figure it out. Be there in a couple hours.”
The front door opened, but the dogs remained blessedly quiet. Since their walker was already in the kitchen with Gunnar, it had to be Dahlia and Stuart.
“Thanks. Get a stand, too.” I needed to get off the phone and find out what’d happened with Harrison. “And a goldfish.”