Page 88 of Hot Momosa
At least someone gets their happy ending.
After Artie left with the dogs, I sank onto the couch and waited for the first round of twenty-questions to begin. Between Gabe and Leo, I knew I was in for it.
Sitting across from me, Gabe leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. “Leo told me why you two decided to keep quiet about Gunnar.”
“It hasn’t been easy.” If I had to guess, I’d say Maggie had sung like a bird the moment she’d left the condo, but I kept that to myself. I wasn’t upset with her. Not really. She’d taken the news hard.
“Are you planning to tell my parents?”
“Yes. I’d like for Gunnar to meet your father.” The logistics of getting a toddler to Sicily would be challenging, but it was the least I could do.
Thank God he has a passport and has flown before.
Seemingly satisfied with my answer, Leo sat back.
“What happened between you and Artie?” It was none of my business, but then again, turnabout was fair play.
He hesitated.
“I gathered it had something to do with business. He knew too much about your family to be anything else.”
Gabe stared at his hands. “Before I took over, my father ordered me to oversee Artie’s execution.”
I’d assumed it was bad, but not that bad. I stilled and did my best not to let Gabe see my revulsion.
“I wasn’t the one who was supposed to pull the trigger, but I couldn’t allow it to happen. I lied to my father’s man. Told him I’d take care of it. Walked Artie into the swamp, gave him all my cash, and told him to run.” He spoke without inflection, but I could tell by the hard set of his shoulders that the ordeal had scarred him.
“That must have been horrible.”
Gabe nodded. “I’ve been supporting him ever since then.”
Suddenly, the idea of taking Gunnar to Sicily lost its appeal.
Leo returned from checking on Gunnar and plopped down beside me. “How are you holding up?”
I hitched a shoulder. “Stuart told you about the package?”
“Yeah. What was in it?”
I really didn’t want to get into this in front of Gabe. “Eight-by-ten glossies.”
“Why’d you ask if Artie had seen someone on the roof?” Leo scratched his jaw, and I knew the instant he put the pieces together. His eyes widened and his mouth fell open. “Photos of us? On the couch?”
“Yes, here after dinner.” I swallowed hard.
Gabe furrowed his brow. “I’m not following.”
“The fucker was on the deck taking pictures of us having sex.” Leo growled.
A little more detail than I would have liked, but I was too tired to argue.
Gabe winced and glanced at the white leather sofa as if regretting sitting on it. “You need additional security.”
Leo shook his head. “No, what we need is to catch this guy and put an end to him once and for all.”
I’d heard him use that tone before when speaking about the persons responsible for his brother’s murder. I hadn’t liked it then, and I didn’t like it now. Especially not after the conversation about Artie Guzman’s relationship with the Marchionnis. “I’d prefer we let the police handle it.”