Page 98 of Hot Momosa
“Stay close.” Stuart didn’t sound as optimistic. In fact, his entire body hummed with tension.
She led us to a small private dining room off the kitchen. “Elle isn’t here yet.”
“Maybe she got held up in traffic.” I’d said the right thing, but the pit in my stomach grew exponentially.
“Maybe.” Shanna grabbed a passing server’s arm. “What happened outside?”
The young man glanced between us. “Some lady was shot. Enzo’s out back talking to the police.”
“Thanks.” She turned to me and Stuart. “I’ll go see what I can find out. Wait here in case Elle shows.”
“Okay.” I took a seat at the beautifully set table.
Stuart walked to the window and pushed the roman shade aside. Seemingly satisfied with whatever he’d seen, he moved to the second window. At the third, he cursed under his breath. “Can you describe the woman you’re meeting?”
My heart leaped into my throat, and I leaped to my feet. “Why?”
“Stay there. You don’t need to see this.”
“See what? I moved closer despite my growing fear.
He turned and placed his huge body between me and the window. “Do you know what she looks like?”
“Early forties, blonde.” I thought back to the pictures I’d seen of Harrison’s ex-wife. “Thin.”
The muscle on the side of his jaw bulged.
“Can you see the victim from the window?”
“I doubt I’d recognize her. I’ve only ever seen evidence photos. She was beaten up pretty bad.” I pressed my hand to my chest. “Is the victim blonde?”
Shanna came back into the dining room with Enzo and two officers behind her.
“Oh God. It was her? It was Harrison’s ex-wife?” I knew the answer before I’d asked. Why else would the police have followed her inside?
“According to her ID, yes.” Shanna clung to Enzo. “But it was hard to tell. Her face was a mess.”
This is my fault. Someone killed her because she was meeting with me.
My knees buckled, but Stuart caught me before I fell.
We spent the next two hours answering questions. More than once, I wished I’d thought to call my father before agreeing to speak with the police, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Partly because I didn’t have the energy to wait for his lawyers to arrive from Baton Rouge, but mostly because he was involved in this somehow. Maybe not directly, but either Harrison or his people had killed Elle McGuire.
For the second time in their lives, five children had lost a mother. A husband had lost his wife. A congregation their first lady, and countless homeless people a champion.
All because I needed dirt on Harrison.
I’d have a conversation with my father once we were alone. It was time I got some answers.
After the police left, Stuart cleared his throat. “Are you ready to go home?”
“Yes, please.” I stood slowly to make sure my legs wouldn’t fail me again.
“I had one of my colleagues bring my vehicle. Wait here until I call. I’ll be in front of the side alley.” He didn’t bother to wait for me to reply before he marched out of the dining room.