Page 11 of Gin & Trouble
“Me either.” The weight of what we were doing hit me. Hard.
I wasn’t a virgin, and I assumed he wasn’t either. But we’d talked about our past relationships, and had both admitted we’d never been in love. But this…at least for me…felt like a first, and that knowledge nearly scared the lust out of me.
Danny pulled back and met my gaze. “Are you okay?”
“Better than okay.” I tugged him closer for a kiss and rocked my hips. Needing to stop thinking and start feeling, I focused on his body moving with mine, his muscles contracting with each thrust, the heat gathering in my core.
Danny slid his hand between us and rubbed my clit until he had me gasping and clawing and crying out his name. Within seconds, I came so hard I saw the entire solar system flash before my eyes.
Once I’d returned to earth, he pulled me to his chest, rolled to his back, and positioned me on top of him.
I pushed my hips forward and ground out a second orgasm on his pubic bone. Holding me in place, he thrust once, twice, three more times and followed me over the edge. I’d never experienced anything like it. He had me muttering curses and prayers before it ended.
Utterly boneless, I collapsed against him. “That was amazing.”
“Amazing is an understatement.” He brushed a damp lock of hair from my cheek. “But now that I know how you like it…round two will blow what we just did out of the water.”
He was absolutely right about rounds two and three—or was it four?
I’d lost track of the number of times we’d had sex, but at some point, we finally crashed. I hadn’t slept so hard in over a year. Not since Sophia and I had landed in New Orleans.
I woke in a state of absolute bliss. A bliss that turned out to be short-lived. If the sun peeling through the drapes was any indication, I’d overslept.
In my defense, I hadn’t planned on spending the night, or ending up in a hotel room for that matter. I didn’t even know where my phone had landed, let alone set an alarm.
My brain was complete mush, but I was certain of three things. One, I was going to be late for work. Two, Sophia was going to strangle me. And three, I was absolutely falling in love with Danny.
I eased out from beneath his arm and sat upright. Work, I could deal with. Sophia would give me nonstop crap about not calling, but I could deal with that, too. But Danny?
What am I going to do?
I glanced back at the amazing man and my blood turned to ice. Blinking back what was surely an incredibly cruel illusion, I wiped my eyes and squinted at his makeup-free face.
Oh my god!
I shot out of bed so quickly, I tripped over the sheets and landed on my ass.
This isn’t happening. Please, Mother Mary in Heaven, tell me this isn’t happening.
I peeked over the edge of the mattress and stared into the eyes of Dante Marchionni.
The enemy.
“Julia? Are you okay?” His voice came out husky and sexy as hell.
Hell, just like where I am right now.
Try as I might, I couldn’t wrap my brain around what had happened.
Danny,my Danny, the guy I thought I was falling in love with, was Dante Marchionni. The youngest son my family’s archenemies. The same people hell bent on seeing Sophia’s head served on a platinum-platted pike for a murder she hadn’t committed—and attempted murders she had.
Not only was my sister accused of killing Dante’s oldest brother, I was pretty sure my dad had knocked up Dante’s mom. Which would mean we shared a half-brother—or he couldbemy half-brother.
Oh my God! Did I commit incest? What the actual fudge? How can this be?
“Julia?” He peered down at me.
“I have to go.” Forcing a smile so wide and fake my cheeks hurt, I scrambled for my clothes.