Page 29 of Gin & Trouble
“Sorry! I’m so sorry.” I crouched to clean up the mess.
“Don’t cut yourself.” He moved closer.
I glanced up and met his gaze. He looked a lot like Dante and the rest of his brothers, but something about his brow ridge reminded me of my dad. The realization he could actually be my brother stunned me.
“Are you okay?” The way his forehead wrinkled left me struggling to breathe.
He looks so much like my dad.
Memories of the last time I’d seen my father alive flooded me. I had been fourteen when my dad sent me and my sisters to different boarding schools. Other than quick holiday visits, I’d stayed away from Sicily—until his funeral.
I’d missed out on years with my family, with my father, because I’d resented him for sending me away. What I didn’t know then was, he’d done it to protect me and my sisters from ending up as pawns in a mafia-style chess game. The same game Tommaso was currently playing with our lives.
I have to do this. I have to save them.
“Yes, sorry. I’m fine, just incredibly embarrassed.” Still crouching, I carefully sandwiched the broken glass between pieces of wooden frame.
“Don’t be. I snuck up on you.” Enzo knelt beside me and helped clean up.
His fingers. Pointy objects. Forget spit. Blood is more accurate.
Waiting for the opportune moment to strike, I watched his hands.
“Julia?” Dante glanced from me to Enzo and back. “What are you doing in here?”
Enzo furrowed his brow. “There’s something wrong with my security camera. She’s checking it.”
“It’s been blinking in and out for a week now. I’ve been meaning to put in a trouble ticket, but I thought, I’m here. I might as well check it out. Hold this.” Panicking, I shoved the broken pieces, pointy side out into Enzo’s hands. Hard.
Dante said something about wine, but I couldn’t hear him over my heartbeat.
At first, I thought it hadn’t worked, but a split second later, Enzo glanced down at his palms and blinked. “Shit.”
“Oh my God! Did I cut you?” I shot to my feet. “Where’s the first aid kit?”
“Did you do that on purpose?” Enzo looked at me like he thought I was insane. Maybe he wasn’t that far off. I certainly felt like I was losing my mind.
“Why would she do something like that on purpose?” Dante grabbed some tissues from the desk.
“I’m sorry. I’m naturally clumsy…and yourbrothermakes me nervous.” I motioned to the blood pooling in his hands. “Where do you keep the bandages?”
He stared as if he couldn’t decide if he wanted to laugh or murder me. “In the kitchen, on the wall beside the walk-in freezer.”
“Stay here. I’ll be right back.” I hurried for the door.
“I’ll get it.” Dante took a step forward, but I waved him off and kept going.
Thankfully, the first aid kit was bright red and hanging in plain sight. Ignoring the curious looks from the staff, I grabbed a handful of gauze pads, tape, and antibacterial ointment. I was in such a rush to get back to the man who could very well be my brother, I didn’t see Dante in the hall until I bumped into him.
“What the hell is going on? The sommelier told me they’ve never carried Il Duca Rosa Imperiale.”
“Not a good time.” I held up the first aid supplies as if they’d explain everything.
Dante followed me back into the office.
Enzo narrowed his eyes at the two of us before settling his attention on me. “I didn’t catch your name and how do you two know each other?”
“Julia Carpenter,” Dante and I said together.