Page 4 of Gin & Trouble
My heart grew three sizes and threatened to burst from my chest. “A little mystery is a good thing.”
“So youdon’twant to meet me?”
“Babe, you have no idea how much I want to meet you.”
She made a little gasping sound that went straight to my cock. “I love it when you call me babe.”
“You sure? It’s not too sexist for you?” I couldn’t help but tease her. While I agreed with her one-hundred percent, she’d made her feelings about gender equality known, often and loudly.
“It is, and I’m probably setting women’s rights back fifty years, but it sounds incredibly sexy when you say it.” Julia sighed the sort of sighs that made me think of daydreams and cotton candy. “Right. So. As I was saying, the comic book and gaming convention is this weekend. How would you feel about meeting there?”
Like I’d died and gone to geek heaven.
“That could work.” I played it cool, but I couldn’t have thought of a more perfect first date. Julia and I had met online while playing the same video game. We shared a love forStar Wars,Lord of the Rings, and all things super hero—exceptDare Devil, obviously. What better place to meet than the epitome of geekdom?
“Great. I’m working the con, but I’m off Saturday night.”
“Working?” As far as I knew, she had a job in cybersecurity—another thing we had in common.
“Don’t laugh.”
“I’m crossing my heart and hovering my finger over the mute button just in case.”
She sucked in a breath. “I’ll be spending forty-eight hours or so dressed as sexy Darth Vader for a local comic book shop.”
Holy shit.
I’d expected her to say she was working a merch booth or the food court for a little extra holiday spending money, but this… wow. I’d seen my fair share of cosplay girls, and let me tell you, they were stunning. “Sexy Vader, huh?”
“I know. I know. It goes against everything I believe in. I mean, I hate how women are objectified in Sci-Fi and fantasy, but Christmas is right around the corner. I could use the extra cash.”
“You don’t need to explain. I get it. And I agree, women are absolutely objectified in the comic and gaming world, but…”
“But?” She laughed, likely knowing full well where my brain had gone.
I struggled to come up with a tactful way of asking her about her looks. In the end, I decided it didn’t matter. I was coming dangerously close to falling for her based on her heart and her sense of humor and her brilliant-freaking-mind. If the outside was as beautiful as her inside, bonus. If not, it wouldn’t change how I felt about her. “But, are you sure you’re ready to meet me?”
A plan began to form. A freaking awesome plan involving VIP tickets to the masked ball. The event had been sold out for months, but for once in my life, I was glad to be a Marchionni.
One phone call and I’d be a step closer to giving Julia the best first date in the history of first dates.
Tonight wasmy date with Danny. After so many months of talking online and on the phone, I knew him better than I’d known any of the jerks I’d actually dated in college. Without the physical stuff to get in the way, we’d formed an incredible bond.
Why am I so nervous? What can possibly go wrong?
My mind immediately went to my growing list of horrific scenarios. He’d pick his nose or boss me around or take one look at me and leave.
Get a grip, Frankie. He’s amazing. Don’t pass out or puke on him, and everything will be fine.
“What the hell are you wearing?” Sophia, my oldest sister, stormed into our bedroom. “Is that the costume for the con? I thought we had the night off?”
She knew darned well why I was dressed as Harley Quinn. I’d told her about my date with Danny a hundred times. However, I didn’t have time to argue. Once Sophia got started, she’d go on and on.