Page 63 of Gin & Trouble
Every night was the same. We’d call it a day and crawl into Dante’s massive bed. Iris would toss and turn until she finally fell asleep, and then she’d alternate between snoring or suffering nightmares until dawn.
Me? I developed insomnia.
Iris rolled over and sighed. “Sorry, I’m keeping you up. Did I have another nightmare?”
“No. I was just thinking about my sisters.” I pulled the blanket up to my chin and turned to face her. “Sophia promised me we’d spend Christmas together, but I have a sick feeling Tommaso has her.”
“Maybe she’s hiding out somewhere.”
“Maybe. I’d feel better if I could reach Mia. She has an informant at my brother’s house. If Sophia’s there, the servant would know.”
Iris perked up. “Your sister has a spy on the inside? A maid or something?”
“Mia never told me the person’s name, but yes.” Her question didn’t surprise me. Iris had asked a million or so since Dante had dropped her off.
Yes, the mafia is a lot like in the movies.
No, I’ve never killed someone or seen anyone killed.
Yes, my family is filthy rich.
Yes, I miss the money, but no, I’m never going back to Sicily.
“The man who held me hostage… Do you know what happened to him?” Iris’s voice shook with what I assumed was fear, but something about the way she stared felt off.
“No.” I forced a smile, but she knew me well enough to see through it. “But you don’t need to worry about him. Marco will see that justice is done.”
She blinked several times as if holding back tears. “That’s just it. He didn’t hurt me. He could have, but he was kind to me after the others left. We talked. You know, about our lives.”
I’d heard of captives developing feelings for their captors, but something about Iris’s reaction set me on edge. “I thought you said he didn’t speak English?”
“I…um…speak a little Spanish, and so does he.” She let out a nervous laugh. “Have you heard from Dante?”
My stomach clenched every time I heard his name. “He’s called or texted to check in about work stuff.”
“Don’t worry, Frankie. You two will work it out.” She yawned and closed her eyes.
“Goodnight, Iris.”
While I appreciated her optimism, I didn’t share it. No matter how much I wanted him, I knew better than to believe we had a future. Hope was a double-edged sword. It allowed me to imagine what could be while setting me up for disappointment. Dante and me ending up together was a daydream that could never and would never come true.
I gave up on sleep and wandered into the Batcave to check the security video from the Lakeshore airport. For some unknown reason, they hadn’t uploaded the footage from the night my brother’s plane had left Mississippi.
After logging into the network, I scrolled through the messages and emails on my cell. Although I hadn’t heard a peep from any of my sisters, I was thankful Dante had given my phone back the night he’d brought Iris to the apartment.
Evidently, my brother’s men holding my bestie hostage had proven I wasn’t an Abruzzo spy.
Although, technically, that’s exactly what I am. Only I don’t work for Tommaso.
An instant message popped up on the computer screen and my stupid heart leaped into a gallop.
Dante:You’re up late.
Me:Couldn’t sleep.
Dante:Iris still having nightmares?