Page 58 of Blood Diamond
“Easy,” Jaguar murmurs near my ear. “Braulio won’t like it if there is nothing left of you to come after, will he?”
His laughter echoes mockingly, but even I don’t miss the subtle possession laced within that tone. Julian Domingas has made up his mind about what he wants from me, it seems. Even his touch feels different. He tugs me into him and then lifts me into his arms when my knees fail to hold me upright.
He’ll take whatever bit of my soul is left, and he doesn’t intend to share it.
I don’t feel comforted in the least. I regret chasing after him at all. Diego had no choice but to let me go when I fought back.
But Jaguar? I think he’d gladly take up the challenge of haunting me.
He has a strange sense of humor, Jaguar. As predicted, he brings me back to his mansion, but when he instructs Horatio to show me where I’ll be staying, I’m not brought to one of the gaudy rooms his harem cohabitate.
Instead, I’m brought to a room on the basement level that resembles a makeshift library. It’s changed some since the last time I was in here—only last night, in fact. The books themselves have been rearranged into slightly neater stacks, and a new bookshelf has sprung from nowhere to contain the volumes that used to be piled on the floor. All to make room for a small cot in the far corner, made up for one person.
The man can be petty when he wants to be, but I don’t complain. For the time being, I can’t even bring myself to ask about Franco, or if Braulio has been spotted after he attacked me.
I am still stuck in the web that Diego Mendez once wrapped around my entire mind. There is always the possibility that Jaguar is working with him. That they are conspiring together, all to entrap me. I wouldn’t put it past them both.
But I am no one’s willing pawn. Whether Jaguar wants to play his cards or not, there is one way to get the truth out of him.
“He wants you to stay here,” Horatio warns as I turn on my heels at the threshold of the study and head blindly down the hall.
After these past few days, I’ve become familiar with the house enough to find Jaguar’s main haunt—his pool in the heart of the U-shaped villa.
There, his concubines and entourage gather now, lounging throughout the courtyard while their master holds court from the terrace. Pressed to his ear is a cell phone he speaks into while navigating a computer tablet balanced on his lap.
For a second, I forget my intentions for seeking him out and just stare. He is a singular creature whenever he drops the charade of carefree, boisterous narco he hides behind. It’s like he transforms into a different person. A hard frown replaces the smirk, and his eyes take on a thoughtful, calculating gleam.
What I wouldn’t give to get inside his head. In the small chance that he isn’t working for Diego, he might be the only man in the world capable of outsmarting him.
God, the thought terrifies me. No man should be so cunning. Displaying such intelligence now, he flicks those watchful eyes in my direction. Suddenly, I’m aware of how tired I am. How broken. I’m still wearing only the black button-down he sent me home in last night and nothing else.
I haven’t even had time to wash him off me.
I reek of Julian Domingas.
With a tilt of his chin, he beckons me closer, robbing me of the chance to approach him uninvited and make a scene. Even if I wanted to, I lack the strength to do so. My legs shake. I can barely walk in a straight line, and I sense Horatio hot on my heels. To show his displeasure at my disobedience of his request, but also to prevent me from falling into the pool.
“I take it that you aren’t pleased with your accommodations,” Jaguar says to me, his eyes gleaming—but I only have a fraction of his attention. His brows furrow, presumably due to whatever he hears on the other end of the cell phone.
“Sí,” he snaps. “Call me when you learn more.” He hangs up and tucks the device into his pocket. Lips quirked in a grin, he inclines his head toward me.
“I suggest you get settled in, Lupe. You could be here a while.”
I don’t let myself take the statement as a threat or a warning. I just approach him, half-naked and exhausted, with my eyes bloodshot from tears.
Chuckling, he steadies my waist enough to help me mount his lap, knocking the tablet aside. I glance at the screen for a second—it looks like a real estate website page displaying a modern mansion.
“This is a surprise,” Jaguar murmurs, drawing my attention back to him. “You were so distraught earlier I was afraid we might have to sedate you.”
And I will forever hate myself for displaying that weakness. The odd part is that if Diego were watching me… That display alone should have been enough to draw him out. No worries. I know what definitely will.
Without an ounce of restraint, I capture Jaguar’s face in both hands and press my mouth to his. My heart skips a beat, betraying the true motive behind such a reckless act. Fear.
Jaguar taunted me that I liked to kiss the last time we had sex—but he didn’t know the full truth, and I cringe to admit it inside my own head. Diego was my only sexual partner, but fucking wasn’t what he primarily utilized to assert control over me.
Kissing was.