Page 53 of Until Now
I wipe my cheeks with the back of my hand and slide up and look into his eyes. “Scared of what?” I whisper.
What would he be scared of? He is brave for what he did and what he just admitted. He could have moved on and forgotten about me. I thought him helping me and Lane was because he was doing right by a friend, but this is different. This is crazy.
“That after everything, you would always choose him over me. It is wrong and I feel ashamed to say it, but you loved him just as much, if not more, and I can’t compete with that.”
“Shh.” I place small tender kisses on his perfectly shaped lips. “If I had known how you felt, I would have never left. If I had never left, I wouldn’t have fallen in love with Lane, but you did what you felt was right, and there is no right answer or regrets. We meet people in our lives, and it’s their time with you. It was his, and I loved Lane. I don’t regret a minute of it because it brought me Lane Jr. and he is everything to me. Lane was my second love . You were my first love, Kalum, but now you are my last. I love you.”
His nostrils flare and he crushes his mouth to mine. We make love for hours in the dark with only the moonlight filtering the open doors on the balcony of the room. We leave the room and make it home before Lane wakes up.
Kalum sleeps with me alone for the first time and I smile when the sun rises but know he is gone to work when I feel the side of the bed and can smell the scent of his cologne mixed with his scent.
I make my way to the kitchen and see an envelope with my name on it.
It is addressed to me, but I recognize the envelope. It is a similar one I received when Lane died in New York.
I take it and walk outside with the blanket over my shoulders. I sit down under the cool breeze with the sun rising on the horizon.
What do you have to tell me?I ask Lane inside my head.
I open the letter and read the simple, curt message scrawled in Lane’s handwriting.
If he told you, I am going to tell you the words you need to hear. You have my blessing. It was always about you.
We both love you,
Lane Turner.
I hold the letter tight in the palm of my hand. I look out to the sea. The salty sea air blowing my hair. “I love you, too,” I whisper in the wind. But there is a man I need to give my love to and the chance he deserves.
I walk inside the house and watch as Lane runs up with a smile.
“Mommy,” he says, running into my arms.
“Hey, sweetheart.”
“Where’s Kalum?” he asks with hopeful eyes.
“He’s at work, sweetie.”
He frowns. “Bummer,” he mutters.
“He will be back from work later.”
He grins. “Is he your boyfriend, Momma?”
I don’t want to lie or keep anything from Lane.
I sit on the couch, and he sits beside me, and I take his hand. “Would you be okay if he was?”
He looks down at our hands linked together. “I would like for him to be with us. So, I’m saying yes. I want him to be there for me like Daddy was,” he says with a sniff.
“Oh, honey. I think Kalum would be honored. He likes to be there for you, and what you think about him matters a lot to him.”
He tightens his grip on my hand. “I miss Daddy, Mommy. I know he is gone, but Kalum is here, and I don’t want him to leave. Ever.”
My chest aches and I take deep breaths and try not to cry in front of Lane. He feels conflicted the same way I do. It’s like he feels what is deep down in my heart. Conflicted with the love and loss of his father and now Kalum sweeping into our lives like a storm wreaking havoc with our hearts.