Page 59 of Until Now
“Oh, I’m sorry,” I hear her behind me. “I’ll come back.”
“That won’t be necessary,” I tell her. “I-I was just leaving,” I stammer, looking back to Kalum, who still hasn’t uttered a single word.
He looks at Janine but doesn’t notice me walk out of his office, and I repeatedly press the button on the elevator. “Stupid thing,” I mutter.
I ignore the curious look from Melissa when I turn and see the exit sign to the stairs. I walk hurriedly to the door and open it and make my way down the stairwell. My heart is in my throat as I try to go down the flights of stairs.
I make it to another floor and press the elevator button. There are so many stairs to keep going and all I can think about is leaving. The elevator opens and some random people are exiting, but I make it before the doors are about to close.
Relieved I’m the only one inside the car, I take a deep breath and let it out slowly through my mouth. My phone vibrates. I pull it out of my coat pocket and notice it’s Janine.
Great. He sent his secretary to tell me to fuck off or maybe to schedule a doctor’s appointment to confirm it’s true. He sends his secretary to buy me clothes and let me guess, the flowers were from his secretary. I know I’m being petty and a brat right now, but he didn’t say anything. I called his name, and it was like he checked out mentally. I’m grateful for his help and all of that, but shit, he could have said something or told me to give him time to think. I’m scared shitless, and I don’t know what to say, but all I know is that I’m keeping it. He can tell me he doesn’t want children, but I’m keeping our baby.
The elevator doors open, and the security detail is already waiting. I nod and walk briskly with them trailing behind me. My phone keeps going off when I’m inside the car with Henry, but I ignore the call. It’s Janine.
Chapter 32
“She isn’t answering, Kalum. I have called her like ten times,” Janine states.
“Fuck. She wasn’t on the elevator, and when I went after her down the stairs, I didn’t catch her.”
“What happened?”
I gesture to the pregnancy tests on my desk. I’m out of breath, but I manage to swallow. “She’s pregnant.”
Janine’s eyes widen. “And you let her walk out?”
“I tried to catch her, genius.” I wipe sweat off my brow from going down the stairs. That woman is fast for her small frame.
“What did you say when she told you that had her running like the building was on fire?”
“What do you mean, nothing? Be a little more specific.”
“I froze.” I snap. Slamming my hand on my desk. “I fucking froze, Janine. I didn’t know what to say. I wanted to ask her to marry me eventually, but I wanted to do it right, not because she is having my child. I want to marry her because I love her.”
“Then prove it to her and ask her like a normal man in love. Be creative.”
Chapter 33
“It’s been three days, Judy. He hasn’t come home. Lane Jr. is wondering where he is, and I told him he is busy with work,” I tell her, taking a sip of my chocolate shake, seated at the booth in the diner.
“Give him time, love. He will come around. Maybe he is wrapping his heart around the idea. That man loves you. He almost killed Bradley for touching you. The man has been head over heels in love with you since he was a teenager. Has he called?”
“His personal assistant has called me, but I ignored it. I feel bad telling Exie my problems and that I fell pregnant. I was married to her brother.” I shiver. “Feels weird.”
Judy leans over the booth and gives me a friendly shove. “She will be happy for you both. She is even siding with you over her evil parents, and she went to him for help. That is love, honey. Not everyone gets a second chance at love.”
I trust Judy and tell her everything that is going on with Lane’s parents. She even agreed to help me out with my jewelry business. She needs the extra money and has agreed to help me out with making more jewelry for the next pop-up store and orders that need to be fulfilled. I have been making them by hand, but my fingers are starting to hurt.
I get a message from Camila that Lane is ready for his lunch. He was working on a virtual project with other kids on the computer, and I decided to head over to the diner to catch up with Judy and say hi to Nancy.
“I’ve got to go.” I grab Lane and Camila’s takeout and head out to the house.