Page 44 of Last Duke Standing
“Well, I was a bit incorrigible as, I think, every woman is. When I realized I was ruined, and would not have the sort of marriage I always believed I would have, I was despondent. What was I to do? Toil away as a spinster governess for the rest of my life? That might have been well and good for another woman, but it was not for me. But with no one to help me, I had to take matters into my own hands.”
Princess Justine’s amber gaze fixed on hers. “And how did you do that?”
“I matched myself!” she said gaily. “I created my own list of candidates and set out to arrange a marriage.”
The princess gasped. Then she laughed. “You must be joking.”
Lila shook her head. “I matched myself to a Danish baron, set the wheels in motion and have been very happily married to my Valentin for sixteen years.”
Princess Justine slowly leaned forward, clearly intrigued. “How did you do that?”
“By trial and error, I suppose. I started with my father’s list.” She laughed. “He always aimed quite high, and Valentin was on the list. I learned all that I could about the gentlemen, ruled out some on the basis of compatibility, then contrived ways to make the acquaintance of those I had not had the pleasure of meeting.”
“But you were ruined, as you said. How could you possibly have done so?”
“Oh, well, I had to finesse the invitations, to be sure, and I was not always successful. Some on the list were put off by my overtures. Some were curious, as you seem to be. And two of them were men of character who did not hold me responsible for my father’s crimes. One of those two fell in love with me.” She smiled again, remembering the night she’d first met Valentin. It had been at a soiree at the home of one of the few friends she’d managed to keep after the scandal. She could still remember the moment she had looked at him across the room and their eyes had met. Lila had never felt such a furious fluttering in her veins. It still happened when their eyes met. “It only takes one.”
“I would say you are very lucky, then,” the princess said. “But what has any of that to do with me?”
“Everything. I learned how to make a successful match, and out of ruins, I created happiness for myself. When an acquaintance realized what I had done for myself, she wondered if I might help her son, who had likewise suffered a public scandal. Could I take the same steps and findhima match that would make him happy?”
“Men brag about their scandals,” the princess scoffed. “Didn’t he have any money?”
Lila smiled at her cynicism. “Yes, as it happens, and quite a lot of it. Unfortunately, he did not have a handsome face.”
“Ah.” The princess nodded knowingly.
“Fortunatelyfor him, not every woman desires a handsome face. Some desire to be provided for above all else. Some desire to be cherished above all else. In hindsight, I believe his was one of the easier matches I made because he desired nothing more than to have a wife to cherish. I’ve had much harder matches through the years. And now?” She casually flicked her hand. “My services are in high demand.”
“My life is not in ruins, Lady Aleksander. Quite the contrary—I will be queen before long.” She stiffened slightly, as if the admission of it made her uncomfortable. “You may be disappointed by how easily you complete your task.”
“I am very happy that your life is not in ruins, Your Royal Highness. But perhaps your prospects are not as great as they might have been before your unfortunate association?”
Princess Justine’s face instantly mottled with a bruising blush. “Ah. It would appear that the prime minister didn’t leave out a single detail.”
“I think he was wise to reveal it. It might come up.”
“Why would it come up?”
“Some candidates might have questions about...your purity? But regardless of the answer to that question, this is not an insurmountable issue.”
Princess Justine laughed darkly. “Wonderful! My mistake at having trusted someone is not insurmountable! And here I had worried so needlessly.” She stood up.
So did Lila. She hadn’t meant to insult her, but true to her word, she would be honest with this young woman.
“It’s been quite a long day, Lady Aleksander.”
“Of course.” Lila curtsied deeply. “Thank you for receiving me.”
The princess said nothing to that. She gave Lila one last curious look then walked out, her hand on the nape of her neck.
“Good evening, Your Royal Highness,” Lila added.
The princess did not look back or acknowledge her.
“Oh. I neglected to mention...”
The princess came to a reluctant halt and turned around to look at her.