Page 77 of Last Duke Standing
He looked at Justine, his gray eyes sparkling.
“That is kind of you.”
“I acted out of fear that she’ll curl into a ball and roll over the railing at any moment.”
Justine smiled. She glanced over her shoulder at the door, expecting Mr. Ashley to appear. Surely, he would come and inquire if she needed anything.
“Are you enjoying the opera?”
She turned her attention to William and settled back in her chair. “Enormously. I must thank you again for inviting me.”
He cocked his head to one side. “Again? Have you thanked me?”
She gave him wry smile. “Perhaps not. I’m not accustomed to thanking my keeper.”
“Ah, I’m still your keeper, then. I thought perhaps your chaperone might have taken my place.”
“Impossible! He could never vex me as you do.”
He looked pleased by that. “I am delighted my service to you is being noted.”
“You don’t mind that he has come, do you?” she asked curiously. Lila had intimated that he and Mr. Ashley were friends.
“Aye, I do,” he said, his smile lopsided.
“He is the worst for you.”
Justine clucked her tongue. “You said that very thing of Principe di Aggiani.”
“Aye, well, I was wrong about Aggiani, as now, someone even worse has come along.”
Justine laughed at him. “He’s been very kind to me! And he’s not once asked for praise.”
William’s lovely gray eyes narrowed. “Has he gifted you with a dog? A horse? Perhaps something more practical, like a goat?”
“How delighted I would be if he had.”
“Mmm,” he said. “How many times has he been in your company?”
“Tonight is the third time. The first time I hardly had time to make his acquaintance, it was so brief.” He’d come to speak to Lady Aleksander, actually, but Justine had been on her way to the garden and had seen him at the door and Lord Bardaline had introduced them. “The second time...he was the guest of Lady Aleksander at tea.” WherewasMr. Ashley? She glanced over her shoulder, wondering when he thought to return. “And then, of course, tonight.”
“Thrice! And to think that when I saw you last, no’ four days ago, there was no mention of him.”
“I didn’t know myself at the time. You know how these things are.” Thesethings, she was discovering, were at the whim of Lady Aleksander. “There’s another gentleman to come later this week. I’ve not mentioned him, either, but I will now.”
William looked away for a moment. He turned back to her. “Justine—” He sat up abruptly, but had apparently forgotten the duchess on his shoulder. She was startled awake when her pillow disappeared, and blinked at the two of them. “What?”
“It is intermission!” William practically shouted at her.
“Ah.” She picked up her fan and began to fan herself.
William turned back to Justine. “Ashley is a...” His brows sank, and he looked as if he was searching for a word. “Bastard is too good for him. Degenerate? Aye, that’s it. He’s a degenerate.”
“For heaven’s sake, William! Really, are you going to find fault with every gentleman who calls? You could pen your report to Robuchard tonight and simply tell him none of them will do.”
“I give you my word that is no’ my intent. I donna mean to find fault with them all, but if your matchmaker doesna improve her services, I might. You donna know the man like I do.”