Page 27 of Somebody like Santa
“Maggie,” she said, “if you ever run for public office, like mayor, or even president, I promise you’ll have my vote.”
“And mine,” Cooper said.
Sam reached for the last slice of supreme combo pizza. “So, Cooper, do you plan to do all the work on that house yourself?” he asked, changing the subject.
“Most of it, with some help from Trevor. He’s going to learn a lot about remodeling—when he isn’t in school or helping Abner with the sleigh. But it’s going to take time, and I’ve got to keep up on my writing assignments. We may have to rough it for a while.”
“And how about you, Trevor? Are you going to learn to ride those horses?”
“Maybe next spring after they’re used to me. I’m not in a hurry.”
“And Maggie says there’s a dog, a border collie,” Grace said. “Are you going to keep her?”
“I guess,” Trevor said. “I’ve never had a dog, but she seems pretty smart. Maybe I can teach her to do tricks.”
“If you need extra muscle to move your things, Cooper, I’ll be right there,” Sam said. “So when are you actually moving?”
“Our rent’s paid here until the fifteenth. But we’re hoping to get settled before the weather turns—and I know that Buck is eager to get this place fixed up for his bride. Right now, we’re just waiting for Clem Porter to clear out and hoping he won’t leave too much of a mess for us.”
“The mother of one of my students cleans houses for extra money,” Grace said. “With the holidays coming up, I’m sure she’d be glad for the work.”
“That would be great,” Cooper said. “She could clean the ranch house and then this house before Buck takes over.”
“I’ll give you her phone number and mention that I talked with you,” Grace said. “Her name’s Ruth McCoy.”
“Thanks.” Cooper passed around the last box of pizza. Things were falling into place. Even after the woman’s name registered, and he realized who she must be, he refused to worry. Everything was going to be fine.
* * *
Grace, Sam, and Maggie had left, and Trevor was in Cooper’s office, doing his homework. Jess would have left, too, but it seemed rude to leave her host alone to clean up. Without asking, she began to clear the table, stuffing the paper plates in the waste can and stacking the pizza boxes to be carried outside to the trash.
Cooper gave her a melting smile. “You don’t need to help, but thanks anyway.”
“It’s an easy job—the least I could do after you were nice enough to invite me here.”
“I always like having you around. But this time I confess that I had an ulterior motive.”
“Oh?” Her defenses sprang to full alert.
“I’ve been wanting to talk to you.” His words triggered a tick in her pulse. If he was going to tell her she was becoming important again, and maybe ask her out, or pry into her past, it was time to make a fast exit.
“About what?” she asked.
“It’s just that I haven’t asked you how Trevor is doing at school lately. Those two boys aren’t bullying him, are they?”
Relief, tinged with disappointment, washed through her. This was a safe subject. But had she really wanted to hear something else? Did she even know her own mind?
“Not that I know of,” she replied. “In fact, I haven’t seen those boys with Trevor at all. Maybe they’re afraid he might go to the police if they bother him.”
“So he’s alone again?”
“It appears so. The teachers say he’s no trouble. He sits in the back of the room and doesn’t talk much—although he does answer questions and hands in his homework on time.”
“What about the lunchroom?”
“I’ve checked when I was there, but I’ve never seen him. I think he’s hiding out, maybe running over to that little five-and-dime across the street to buy snacks with his lunch money. I can’t say I blame him. The lunchroom is where the pecking order gets set up, and you know how mean kids that age can be.”
Cooper shook his head. “Actually, I don’t. I was a big, confident kid, an athlete, and popular. I was never bullied or left to sit alone. That’s just one reason I have a hard time relating to Trevor.” His blue eyes, flecked with silver, studied her face. “What was it like for you?”