Page 71 of Somebody like Santa
Now they lay back against the cushions with their stocking feet on the coffee table, drowsy and slightly giddy.
“This was a good idea, not going to the ball,” he murmured with his lips against her hair.
“Anyway, I didn’t have anything to wear.” She snuggled against him, nibbling at his earlobe. She smelled of pizza and Christmas tree. “I really ought to be going. Trevor should be getting home soon. Didn’t you say Sam was dropping him off?”
“That’s the plan, after he drives Abner home. I don’t think either Trevor or Sam will be surprised to find you here with me. But you can’t drive all the way to Cottonwood Springs tonight. You’re wiped out. Your bed here is made up and ready. I even laundered the sheets and put them back on, in the hope that you’d need them again. Come on—the cockroaches can get along without you for a night.” He gave her a stern look. “The roads are slick and there are drunken idiots driving at this hour. You’re staying, even if I have to tie you to the bed.”
She giggled. “Now that sounds interesting.”
“I’m not kidding, Jess. I want you back here, at least until your apartment’s ready. We’ll have Trevor around to make sure we don’t misbehave.”
“What will Trevor have to say about that?”
“Are you kidding? He thinks you’re cool. And he’s been whining about my cooking ever since you left. He’ll be happy to have you back. So what do you say?”
Her only answer was a kiss.
ZEBRA BOOKS are published by
Kensington Publishing Corp.
119 West 40th Street
New York, NY 10018
Copyright © 2022 by Revocable Trust Created by Jimmy Dean Dailey and Mary Sue Dailey Dated December 22, 2016
After the passing of Janet Dailey, the Dailey family worked with a close associate of Janet’s to continue her literary legacy, using her notes, ideas and favorite themes to complete her novels and create new ones, inspired by the American men and women she loved to portray.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
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ISBN: 978-1-4201-5108-4
ISBN-13: 978-1-4201-5112-1 (eBook)
You’ll like her.Maggie’s words came back to him. Yes, so far, he did like her. He hadn’t come to Branding Iron for romance, but if Grace was setting him up with the lady, he owed his sister a surprising vote of thanks.
He did his best not to stare at her, but since she was sitting right across the table, he could hardly avoid taking her in with his eyes. She had a classic air about her—like a Renaissance Madonna or maybe a French fashion model. With her dark hair in a simple twist, a baby-blue sweater set, minimal makeup, and no jewelry except modest pearl earrings that were undoubtedly real, she made most of the women he’d seen in Branding Iron look tacky.
Then as he studied Jess, a more subtle response stirred in him. Something about that unforgettable face was vaguely familiar. Cooper could swear he’d seen her somewhere before. Maybe by the end of the evening, the memory would come back to him.
Please read on for an excerpt from CALDER GRIT by Janet Dailey!
During the summer of 1909, a battle rages in Blue Moon, Montana, between immigrant homesteaders and cattlemen determined to keep the range free. In a fierce struggle that echoes the challenges of today, history is made.
As the countryside explodes in violence, the Calder patriarch has the power to stop the destruction, though some believe Benteen Calder is only stoking the flames for his own gain. One man courageously straddles the divide . . .
That man is Blake Dollarhide, the ambitious young owner of Blue Moon’s lumber mill. When Blake’s spoiled half brother takes advantage of the innocent daughter of a homesteading family, Blake steps in as Hanna Anderson’s bridegroom to restore her honor and give her unborn child his name. But Blake doesn’t count on the storm of feelings he develops for sweet Hanna. When the war between the factions rages anew, everyone wonders if Blake will stand by the close-knit community he serves, or the wife he took in name only . . .
A marriage of love is more than Hanna ever dreamed of. For her family, surviving the rugged trip west, claiming a parcel of land and planting their first crops on the vast prairie are the only things that matter. Which is why the unexpected passion she feels for her husband is all the more poignant. But even as she longs to trust the strong bond growing between her and Blake, Hanna knows it will take courage and grit to overcome the differences between them. And even greater strength of will to put down roots in this wild new country.