Page 109 of Flare
My father, who is the proudest man on the planet. My father, who accepted me without question when I came out to him. My father, who I knew would always accept a man or a woman in my life, unlike my mother, who only gives lip service to it.
I curl my hands into fists, turn, and walk out of Brock’s bedroom.
Only to be yanked back in.
“Sweetheart, I’m so sorry.”
“Save it.” I tear my arm away from him.
“I didn’t mean that. I just…” He rakes his fingers through his hair. “I like your father. I respect him. I don’t for a minute think he’s stupid. I just want so much to help you, and helping your family helps you. I want to take care of you. Do everything for you.”
“But don’t you see? I can’t have you do everything for me. Or for my family. We need to stand on our own feet, Brock.”
“But I have—”
“Don’t. Just don’t. Yes, you have everything. Everything material, anyway. You never have to worry about money. You never have to worry about how the bills will get paid. Or about whether you’ll eat steak or hamburger for dinner. You don’t have to worry.”
“I know. I have enough for five lifetimes, and I want to share it with you. With your family.”
“I’m not ready.”
“Rory…” He gazes at my abdomen, which I’m absently stroking. “What if…”
“What if, indeed? Let’s find out. There are tests now that can determine HCG levels within five days before a woman misses her period. We could find out now, Brock.”
“Fine.” He finishes dressing quickly. “But we’re not relying on any drugstore test. We’re going into the city. You can see a real doctor.”
“I have lessons. I just took time off to go gallivanting around London with you and—”
“Gallivantingaround London? Is that what you think that was?” He shakes his head as he pulls on his boots. “Gallivanting. I can’t believe you just said that.”
I’m blowing this.
I’m blowing this so badly, and I don’t want to. Seems we’re both saying things we shouldn’t.
“I didn’t mean it that way,” I say.
“Exactly how did you mean it, then? We went to London to get information from a man—an elderly man who is important to my family. An elderly man who lost the one love of his life when he was a young man—the love of his life who was probably killed because ofmyfamily.”
“I know, baby. I’m so sorry.”
“Just get out of here, Rory.”
“Please. Just go.”
God. What have I done? He called my father stupid, and I lashed out. I just lashed out. I loved my time in London with him, and I loved meeting Ennis Ainsley and helping Brock deal with his family problems.
And now? I’m screwing this up. Big time.
I reach toward him, wanting to feel his soft flesh against my fingertips, but he brushes my hand away.
“I need to cool off.”
“Are you… Are we…?”
“Over?” he says. “Is that what you want to know?”