Page 13 of Flare
“I know.”
Part of me does know.
Part of me knows the Steels will help us. Not just Donny, and not just Brock, but we have the power of the Steel family behind us now.
Can Pat Lamone really be related to Brock?
I can’t even freaking believe it.
Donny finally ends the call and looks toward Callie and me.
“Are the two of you okay?”
“We’re good,” Callie says, rubbing my hand.
“Sorry about Uncle Joe.”
“It’s okay,” Callie says. “You had the same first reaction.”
“Brock didn’t react that way,” I say. “When I told him the story, all he did was comfort me. Tell me it would be okay. He didn’t berate me for not coming to the family with the information.”
“He loves Diana,” he says, “but she’s my sister, not his. It hit a little closer to home for Dale and me. Plus, Brock seems to have found his soft spot.”
I meet Donny’s gaze. “Soft spot?”
“My cousin and I are alike in some ways, different in others. Sure, we were both womanizers in our day—”
“In your day?” I say. “I think Brock is still a womanizer.”
“Maybe,” he says. “I’m not sure what’s going on between the two of you, and it’s not my business. Brock never really had a soft spot before, other than his family. He loves Diana nearly as much as I do, and if he had heard the story from anyone else, I think he would’ve gone as ballistic as his father.”
“You think?” Callie says.
“I know. I know Brock. I taught Brock everything he knows about women, and I’ve spent the last several years watching him in action. He’s an expert at leaving emotion at the door. I didn’t think he had a soft spot. Not until now.”
I warm inside…and I welcome it. An imaginary blanket drapes itself around my shoulders, and I find my strength once more.
“I’m glad your uncle knows,” I say. “We never wanted to go to anyone for help, but you know what? It feels good that your uncle knows.”
“I agree,” Callie says. “Maybe it’s time to stop hiding from this.”
“I just don’t want…”
“That won’t happen,” Donny says. “I swear to you. Those pictures will never see the light of day.”
“Callie told me that you hired someone to search Pat’s room at Mrs. Mayer’s.”
“I did. It’s supposed to happen sometime today. Mrs. Mayer is still out of town, so once Lamone goes to work, my guy will go in.”
A brick lands in my gut. I don’t know why I’m feeling like this. I want the place to be searched. And Callie and I basically stormed our way into Doc Sheraton’s house while Pat was there and searched every crevice. Of course, we didn’t know how to do a thorough search.
“Donny,” I begin, “do you think—”
“Already done,” Callie says. “He’s going to search Doc’s place too.”
Damn, that girl can read my mind.
“Donny knows we were there,” she continues. “Donny knows we searched. Brittany and Doc Sheraton are still in Wyoming, so our guy—”