Page 8 of Flare
“Has he taken a DNA test?” Donny asks.
“Not that I know of, and of course we will insist upon that. But here’s the thing. We’re talking three generations descended from a half sibling, so a DNA test may not be conclusive.”
“How the hell can’t it be conclusive?” Donny asks.
“Because we all have second and third cousins walking around that we don’t even know about, and this is a descendant of a half sibling on top of that.”
“Right,” Donny says. “That makes sense.”
“Brock won’t tell me what’s going on with this Lamone guy without Rory’s permission.”
“I may be able to help you out there,” Donny says. “Rory’s here. In the office with Callie.”
My heart jumps. Just the mention of Rory’s name, and my heart responds.
“All right,” Dad says. “Can you ask them? Get their permission for Brock to talk to me?”
“I’ll try. Hold on a second.”
Shuffling, as Donny moves out of the office.
How long will we have to wait? I have no idea. And what is Rory doing in the city attorney’s office anyway?
Get over yourself, Brock. She’s probably just visiting her sister. It’s lunchtime. Which means—
“Hey, I’m back,” Donny says. “Rory and Callie are here with me, and they’ve given me permission to tell you about what’s going on with them and Pat Lamone.”
My heart beats faster just knowing Rory is on the other end of the line. Damn.
“Have you told them who Pat Lamone allegedly is?” Dad asks.
A throat clear. Then, “I have not.”
“Donny”—Callie’s voice—“what are you talking about?”
“Rory? Are you there?” I ask.
“Hi, Brock. I’m here.”
She has the voice of an angel. A worried angel.
Dad clears his throat. “Rory, Callie. I don’t know what’s going on with you and Pat Lamone right now, and we’ll get to that, but we have reason to believe he may be a Steel relative.”
Gasps come through the phone.
Two gasps, and I know which one came from Rory.
Already I know her that well.
“There’s no reason for anyone to be freaked out yet,” Dad says. “We haven’t figured out if it’s real or not. But that’s the claim.”
“Oh my God.” From Callie. Then, “Rory, are you all right?”
My nerves contract into spasming twitches.
“Rory?” I yell. “What’s wrong with Rory?”
“I’m fine, Brock.” But she doesn’t sound fine. Her voice is shaking.