Page 86 of Flare
“Aren’t you staying with your family?”
“Yeah. But…my mom and dad really want to meet you.”
“Rory, we’ve met.”
“I know, but Callie is bringing Donny for dinner tonight, and my mom asked if I’d like to bring you.”
“And you’re just telling me about it now?”
“Yeah. You were gone all morning, Brock. I was going to call you, but…”
She sighs. “I don’t know. It feels like it’s too soon, in a way. This has happened so fast between us, you know?”
“It has, but it’s kind of great.”
She smiles then, and things seem okay between us once more. “I agree. It’s pretty great, and I’d really like you to come to dinner tonight.”
I caress her cheek. “Okay. I’ll be there. What time?”
“Six thirty. Don’t be late.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
My stomach feels like a couple of people are playing Ping-Pong inside me. I don’t know why I’m nervous. Heck, my mom was thrilled. Not only am I bringing home someone from the Steel family, I’m bringing home aman.
She loves me and supports me, but deep inside, she’s always hoped I’d end up with a man instead of a woman.
I honestly never knew which one it would be—not until Brock.
He’s my forever.
Callie has moved almost all her stuff into Donny’s guesthouse. She hasn’t slept at home the last two nights.
I miss her.
Since Raine and I broke up and I moved back into my parents’ home, I got used to having Callie next to me, joined by our Jack and Jill bathroom.
She and I have always been close, and it was great having her to talk to. Now that I know everything that’s going on with the Steel family, and Brock and I have declared our love, I have more to talk to her about than ever.
But I guess we will find our way.
“Rory!” Mom calls from the kitchen.
I hurry in. “Yeah, what do you need?”
“Everything’s ready for the most part. But I want to use the good napkins. The table’s all set. Could you get them out of the cupboard in the closet?”
“Cloth napkins?”
“This is company, Rory. We always use cloth napkins for company.”