Page 96 of Flare
While the men are outside smoking and drinking brandy.
Does Brock even smoke?
So much I still don’t know about him.
But my mom is ever the traditional housewife.
Women in the kitchen, cleaning up, and men outside, doing nothing.
I roll my eyes at my sister.
She glares at me. Finally, when Mom excuses herself for a moment—
“I know. I hate it as much as you do, Ror. When we have our own household, you can bet Donny will be in here helping me.”
“Are you kidding? You and Donny will have a housekeeper or cook in here doing this.”
“Yeah, probably.” She laughs then. “I can’t even fathom that.”
I absently touch my abdomen.
But Callie notices. “You’ll know soon.”
I look over my shoulder to make sure Mom isn’t anywhere nearby. “I know, Cal, but if I am pregnant, Brock and I… He wants to be involved.”
“Great! That’s what you want, right?”
“I don’t know how to tell you this, Callie, but I want…”
I look around the kitchen, wave my arms around. “I want this. I want a family. A family where men and women share all duties, of course, but a family.”
“That’s not any different from what you’ve always wanted.”
“No, it’s not. It’s just that… I think I found the one I want a family with. It’s crazy, isn’t it? Brock Steel?”
“Well, you’ve made Mom happy.” Callie scoffs.
“God, I know. I honestly never knew whether my forever would be a man or a woman, but I always knew what Mom wanted.”
“You know she loves you no matter what.”
I sigh. “Yeah, I know. I get that. But she makes her desires clear.”
“So what? Mom is limited in some ways. We accepted that long ago.”
“Part of me feels like I’m letting her have her way.”
“Letting her have her way? Rory, you can’t help it that you fell in love with a man.”
“I know.”
“If you make Mom happy, it’s a simple side effect.”
“Now you make me sound awful. It’s not that I don’t want Mom to be happy.”
“You know she’d be happy if you were happy. The fact thatshewants one scenario over the other doesn’t make her a bad person. It just means she’s…Mom.”