Page 64 of Through the Fire
Aria lay her head back on the pillow. “I want to be withyou.”
For the first time, she soundedscared.
He bent to kiss her. “And you willbe.”
“I’d like to speak with Aria privately while we work on finding her a bed,” Doctor Rickeshsaid.
“Of course,” Damian said. “I have a few calls to makeanyway.”
He squeezed Aria’s hand. “I’ll beback.”
The dark shadows under her eyes made him glad Doctor Rikesh wanted to keep her overnight. He would take no chances with her health or the health of theirchild.
Cole was waiting in the hall when he steppedoutside.
“How is she?” Coleasked.
“She’s okay, but they’re going to keep her overnight just to besafe.”
“And thebaby?”
Damian had to force the words out around the lump in his throat. He didn’t know how Cole would take the news of Aria’s pregnancy, but the concern in his eyes was sincere, and Damian realized for the hundredth time that Cole was the brother he neverhad.
“The baby’s fine, too,” Damian said. He held out the ultrasound picture. “We even got apicture.”
Cole took the photograph, turned it over in his hands several times as he tried to orient himself to theimage.
Damian chuckled. “I know, it doesn’t really look human yet, but they tell me itis.”
“It’s amazing.” Cole looked at him with a smile. “This is yourkid.”
Damian nodded. “Yeah.”
Cole handed back the photo. “I just hope he or she gets Aria’slooks.”
He said it with such a straight face that it took Damian a second to get the joke. He startedlaughing.
“You and me both, brother.” He rubbed the tension at his temples. “Did you deal with thepolice?”
They needed to control the direction of the investigation, keep it from becoming a political football for law enforcement, keep the FBI from diggingaround.
“Working on it,” Colesaid.
“Good,” Damian said. “Now tell me we got DannyGalanos.”
His fists were itching to punch something, to hurt anyone even remotely responsible for what had happened at thehouse.
For what had almost happened toAria.
“We got him,” Cole said. “Couple hoursago.”
“Give me ten minutes,” Damian said, starting for Aria’sroom.
He was going to beat the answers out ofGalanos.
He was going to turn the city upside down looking forMalcolm.
Then he was going to kill the motherfucker once and forall.