Page 71 of Through the Fire
Damian stoppedat Macy’s and bought a small duffel and change of clothes, then he made a quick trip into a drugstore to pick up toiletries. Based on the damage to the Westchester house he’d seen from outside, most of his personal effects — and Aria’s — were probably intact, but there was no time to make thetrip.
It was already after nine p.m., which meant Gatti had a six-hour head start to Thailand. His flight had a brief connection in Hong Kong before continuing on to Chiang Mai, a stop that would enable Damian to make up a little of the time between his and Gatti’s flights. With any luck, Damian would only be four or five hours behindhim.
He still didn’t know where he was going once he landed, but Cole had every intelligence resource they had tailing Gatti’s movements when he landed. They’d opted to approach the Thai organization as a sign of respect, offering them payment for information on Gatti’s whereabouts and the promise of a swift retreat once they gothim.
It was a gamble. If the Thai really were already working with Gatti, they might sell out Damian’s plans to come after him. They also might take the money and kill Damian forfun.
Damian was banking on option three — that they would take the money, let Damian conduct his business, and allow him toleave.
He spent a few minutes throwing the things he’d just purchased into the duffel. Then he thew it into the backseat and headed for the Westchester airport. Cole had called ahead to make sure one of the company jets would be ready and waiting when he gotthere.
He thought about Aria as he drove, her sleepy face in the hospital, the tears that had filled her eyes when he’d given her the new Mr.Wolf.
He wanted to give her everything. To restore all her childhood hope and innocence and to give it all to their child,too.
For the first time in his life, he was afraid of death. Not for the pain or loss of his life, but for what it would do toAria.
He didn’t want her to have to raise their child alone. Didn’t want her to be alone in theworld.
It wasn’t about money — he’d seen to it that Aria and their baby would always have plenty ofthat.
He wanted to be there to hold her at night, to wipe her tears when they came, to stand in front of her when the world got too harsh ordangerous.
He wanted to rock their baby when it cried, to watch it take its first steps and say its first words, to be the father he’d neverhad.
He wasn’t a fool. He knew the risks. He was breaching enemy territory with no guarantee of safe harbor, and he was doing it with nobackup.
But he didn’t have a choice. Aria wouldn’t rest easy until Gatti was dead, and neither would Damian. Not after what had happened at the Westchesterhouse.
It was now ornever.
He forced Aria out of his mind as he drove through the charter terminal gate and onto the tarmac. He couldn’t afford to think about her right now. She only reminded him of hismortality.
Of how much was atstake.
Neither of them could afford for him to bedistracted.
He pulled the car next to a black Humvee idling not far from the company plane. Enzo sat in the driver’s seat, Andre leaning against the passenger side door, arms folded across hischest.
Damian grabbed the duffel and stepped out of thecar.
“Park it at the office, will you?” he asked, throwing Andre thekeys.
“Are you both all right?” Damian asked, bending down to get a look atEnzo.
“We’re fine,” Andre said. “Enzo didn’t get the door shut behind him, caught a small laceration from some of the falling debris, but he’lllive.”
“Good.” Damian held out his hand. “You saved her life. I’ll never be able to thank you enough forthat.”
Andre shook his hand. “It’s what you pay us for,boss.”
“Maybe,” Damian said, “but that doesn’t mean I can’t be grateful. When I get back, we’ll talk about your compensation. Enzo’s,too.”
“Thank you,” Andresaid.