Page 73 of Through the Fire
She nodded. “You seemed stressed and worried. I wanted to give you time to get us settled at Nico’s apartment, but that was before I knew you were planning to leave withoutme.”
“I didn’t know about Thailand until a couple hours ago,” he said, wondering how she’d gotten him from cold fury to explaininghimself.
She smiled. “That’s okay. We’re both herenow.”
“Not for long,” he growled. “I’ve had enough of this. Now getup.”
She sighed, then stood to face him, her dark eyes flashing. “I’m not leaving, Damian. You might as well just accept the fact so we can get on with it. This is my fight, too. I’m coming to Thailand to see it through. We can discuss the details when we getthere.”
“You’re being foolish,” he snapped. “Risking not only your life, but the life of the baby,too.”
She set her jaw into a hard line. “That’s a shitty thing to say. You know I would never do that. I asked the doctor, and she said as long as my blood pressure remains in the normal range — and it was already back in that range when I left — there was no reason why I couldn’ttravel.”
He covered his mouth with his hands, like it might keep him from saying things he knew he would regret later. She was right. Even Aria — as stubborn as she was — wouldn’t risk their baby’slife.
“You’re putting me in an impossible position,” he said. “You know that,right?”
She reached up to touch his face. “Yes, and I’m sorry for that, but this is one of those times where we have to have theargument.”
“I don’t even have a place for you to stay there,” he said. Maybe logistics would convince her if reason wouldn’t. “I was planning on getting in andout.”
She returned to her seat. “That’s okay. Locke said we can stay at his place outside thecity.”
“At… at hisplace?”
Damian was vaguely aware he was sputtering, a word he would never have used to describe his speech up untilnow.
She nodded. “Apparently he loves Thailand — Bali, too. He gave me the address and the code to the door. He said he’d call ahead and have the house ready forus.”
Damian was still standing there, trying to wrap his head around how Aria had found out about Thailand, how she’d gotten from the hospital to the airport, how she’d managed to make arrangements for their fucking lodging, in the three hours since he’d left her asleep at thehospital.
She smiled up at him. “You should probably sit down. I think Paul’s ready to takeoff.”
He hadn’t noticed the steady increase in the volume of the plane’s engines, the fact that Paul was standing expectantly by the door, preparing to shutit.
“Are you ready for takeoff, Mr. Cavallo?” heasked.
Damian sighed and sat in the seat across the aisle fromAria.
He waved a hand in the direction of the door. “Doit.”
He sounded defeated, even to his own ears. He was on his way to Thailand where he would have to face one of the most violent criminal gangs in the world before killing his last remainingenemy.
And he’d been defeated by Aria and her stubbornpersistence.
Paul closed the door and re-entered thecockpit.
Aria reached for his hand and touched it to her lips. “There’s a nice woman in the back who got me some herbal tea. Once we’re in the air, maybe she can get you some,too.”