Page 10 of Eternal Love
Jenna finishedthe last bite of panna cotta, the creamy custard lingering on her tongue, and sat back in her chair with a sigh. The candles flickered low on the rustic farm table at the center of the large dining room, the tall pillars in the corners of the room casting shadows on the warm plasterwalls.
A Christmas tree soared in the corner of the room, its white lights shimmering from inside the emerald boughs, reflecting off the glass ornaments hanging from itsbranches.
The air was fragrant with food and coffee, with balsam and basil, orange and cloves, all of it warmed by the fire crackling in a fireplace large enough to accommodate Jenna standingup.
On one side of her, Farrell spoke quietly with Nico. On the other, Lily was slumped in her chair, all the food and excitement of the day finally catching up toher.
Jenna looked across the table at Stella, smiling at Angel when she saw the other little girl in the same position as Lily. A wave of contentment moved through her when Angel returned thesmile.
They’d had a long, lingering dinner of lemony chicken piccata studded with capers, brilliant and tender artichokes, and mushroom risotto, plus an assortment of local cheese and freshfruit.
She’d expected Angel to have kitchen staff, but she and Nico had cooked companionably and seemingly without any rush, sharing a glass of wine, moving easily around each other while Jenna and Farrell begged tohelp.
When Jenna asked about the lack of staff, Angel had smiled and said, “We don’t need staff for family. We’ll managefine.”
It had warmed Jenna’s heart then as it did now remembering it. Angel was right; they werefamily.
Jenna felt it in herbones.
Her mum and Kate opted to stay in London for Christmas. Kate would no doubt make use of the holiday to garner extra tips from lonely customers at the bar, then spend her off time partying around the city. Their mum was spending Christmas with Arthur, the man she’d been seeing, and his grownchildren.
Jenna missed them, but she couldn’t help feeling like she was exactly where she was meant tobe.
Farrell’s hand slipped around hers. He brought it absently to his lips as he listened to Nico, then lowered it to her lap, let his hand slide between her thighs under thetable.
She allowed her legs to fall open, forcing her expression steady as his fingers traveled along her inner thigh, slipping inside her panties as he said something toNico.
Jenna reached for her coffee as he grazed her clit. She had a feeling they wouldn’t be sleeping for awhile, and she was grateful for the rim of the mug, providing cover while she composed her features into a mask of nonchalance as Farrell’s finger slid between her wetfolds.
She resisted the urge to slide lower in the chair, open her legs all the way forhim.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, my love, but I think we have a casualty of all thisexcitement.”
The voice was Angel’s, and Jenna forced herself to smile at Stella as Nico stopped talking to look at hisdaughter.
“I’ll get her,” he said, rising from hischair.
Jenna took a deep, cleansing breath as Farrell’s fingerwithdrew.
“Looks like Lily’s had enough,too.”
He stood and scooped Lily into his arms. She murmured something softly against his chest and Jenna watched as Farrell and Nico made their way out of theroom.
“Let me help clean up,” Jenna said, beginning torise.
“Oh, no!” Angel protested. “Not yet. Let’s sit awhile longer. We’ll have no peace tomorrow and you knowit.”
Jenna smiled. “You’reright.”
“More wine?” Angel asked. “Coffee?”
Jenna shook her head. “One will put me to sleep right here at the table, and the other will keep me up allnight.”
She was relieved by Angel’s offer of more wine. It meant she hadn’t noticed Jenna’s tactic of bringing the glass to her lips, taking tiny sips, hoping that as everyone else got into the third bottle no one would notice she’d never actually finished aglass.
As for the coffee, the memory of Farrell’s fingers inside her was fresh in her mind. A little coffee couldn’t hurt, but she wouldn’t need it once she was naked withFarrell.