Page 40 of Eternal Love
He pulled her into his arms, crushed her body against his and exhaled the fear he’d been carrying around since he’d bought thering.
“And Farrell…” She pulled back to look at him and smiled. “I’mpregnant.”
“You’re… wait… you’re pregnant?” He tipped his head back and laughed as happiness flooded his body. He took her face in his hands and kissed her, then spoke against her mouth. “We’re going to have ababy?”
She nodded. “I wasn’t sure… I didn’tknow…”
He looked down at her, sadness tugging at the corners of his mouth. “You didn’t think I’d behappy?”
“I wasn’t sure. I didn’t want you to fake it, didn’t want to… cramp your style, Isuppose.”
“Cramp my style?” He stood and pulled her up, swinging her around before setting her back on her feet. He stroked her cheek, his heart overflowing. “Love, you are my style. You and Lily, our life together, you’re my temple, lit up against every dark night. Don’t you knowthat?”
She smiled through her tears. “I donow.”