Page 20 of Surrender to Sin
“We take him out ourselves, get him off the game board once and forall.”
“I’m all for it,” Farrell said. “The asshole’s like a badpenny.”
“What does that entail?” Maxasked.
The fact that he didn’t hesitate to ask the question didn’t bother him in the slightest. Max was a trained soldier — a trained killer. He was programmed to protect the things he loved, and he loved Abby beyondmeasure.
As long as Jason was alive, she would never be safe. It was something Max had known when Jason disappeared after the shooting, when Abby mourned the loss of her house, when she woke up with a start, a sheen of cold sweat on her brow as she dreamt about her escape from the smoke-filled room on the secondfloor.
He’d known then he’d kill Jason if he got the chance — and Bruce Frazier too — if only so Abby could sleep atnight.
“We have to get to him first,” Farrell said. “It’s not impossible, but it is easier said thandone.”
“Because of Frazier and the rest of Jason’s security?” Max shook his head. “We can take them. It’ll be noisy, but Jason’s house isn’t in the city. We can afford to make a little noise if we workquickly.”
“He hasn’t gone back to the house,” Nico said. “Not yetanyway.”
“He’s still at the hotel?” Maxasked.
It was one thing to spend a couple nights there when he first got back to town, but it had been over a week since Jason had returned toVegas.
Farrell leaned back in the lounge chair and closed his eyes. “Hasn’t left once, according to our sources. Installed additional cameras in the hall leading to the suitetoo.”
Max cursed. It was smart, even if it did make obvious the level of Jason’s fear. To get to him in the Tangier’s Presidential suite, they would have to get past the security cameras in the casino, obtain access to the suite’s private elevator, get past all of Jason’s guards without setting off a noisy firefight, and according to Farrell, get past new cameras aswell.
“That complicates things,” Maxadmitted.
“Complicated doesn’t mean impossible,” Nicosaid.
Max let his mind go blank, surrendering his preconceived notions long enough to let solutions presentthemselves.
“I can probably get ahold of the building plans for the Tangier,” Maxsaid.
“That’s a start,” Nicosaid.
“Too bad Abby quit her job,” Farrellsaid.
Max looked at him. “No, it’snot.”
Max had been furious about Abby’s exposure during the weeks she’d kept her job to inform on Jason. The information she’d provided had been invaluable, but Max had been sick with worry all day, everyday.
Farrell shrugged. “Just anobservation.”
“An idiotic one,” Maxsaid.
“Let’s think about how to get some surveillance equipment in the suite and the executive offices,” Nico said, breaking into the dispute. “That will help us identify any vulnerabilities in his security androutine.”
“I’ll give it some thought,” Maxsaid.
“Good,” Nico said. “I have to return to Rome for a few days. I’ll be back next week and we can figure out thedetails.”
“I’m flying out tonight, but I can get back here if you need me,” Farrellsaid.
“Thanks.” Max had to choke it out, still pissed at Farrell for making light of the risk Abby had taken to helpthem.
“Did you talk to Rodriguez?” Nicoasked.
“We’re giving it a try,” Maxsaid.