Page 19 of Captivate
“You may follow Rurik to the car,” he said.
She looked at him as she stepped off the staircase, then lifted her chin before nodding imperiously at Rurik. “Hello, Rurik.”
“Mrs. Antonov.” Rurik’s expression was blank. “Please follow me.” He opened the door and stepped onto the porch.
Lyon found Alek in the video room, shutting down the computers.
“I assume we’re done here?” Alek asked.
“For now,” Lyon said. “I’m taking her back to the penthouse.”
“Will she need a guard there?” Alek asked.
Lyon didn’t miss the note of misery in his friend’s voice. “No, you’re officially off duty in that regard.”
Alek nodded, his relief palpable.
“I’ll be in touch,” Lyon said. “Check on the men in the meantime.”
He left the room, dismissed the guards on his way out, and continued to the car.
Kira sat in the back, Rurik waiting in the driver’s seat. Lyon got into the passenger seat and Rurik navigated the Rover around the house’s curved driveway. Lyon saw it all with fresh eyes — the grand house, the defunct stone fountain at the center of the circular driveway, the long tree-lined drive leading to the street.
He wanted to know what Kira thought of it, if she loved it as much as he’d expected she would, but he wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of seeming to care. He kept his eyes focused on the road instead.
They made their way down the drive, trees towering into the sky on either side, and exited onto the quiet road lined with other historic estates. Not a word was spoken on the drive across town, and when Lyon stole a glimpse at Kira in the backseat, he saw her face turned to the window.
Finally, they pulled into the underground parking garage under the penthouse building downtown. Rurik wound his way to the lowest level and stopped the car in front of the elevator lobby.
He got out and opened the door for Kira while Lyon came around from the passenger side.
Lyon headed for the elevators.
Rurik was still standing there, watching, when the doors closed. Lyon knew he would park the car and return to the penthouse. Now that Kira was back, Lyon would need to shuffle his security, make sure the penthouse was protected, make sure he was protected until he dealt with Musa.
He leaned back against the elevator’s mirrored interior as it rose into the sky. During the weeks right before she’d left him, he’d been able to read her expressions, had enjoyed watching pleasure sweep over her face, delight sparkle in her eyes. Even anger had become her, turning her cheeks pink, making her eyes flash like emerald fire.
Now he saw nothing. Her face was as implacable as it had been the day they’d gotten married, back before he’d been inside her, before he’d made her come, before he’d fallen in love with her.
The elevator dinged their arrival at the penthouse. The doors slid open to reveal the private foyer. Lyon gestured for her to go first, then followed her out of the elevator.
She started for the living room.
“Let’s set some ground rules,” he said.
She turned to look at him, her eyes shaded with suspicion. “Ground rules?”
“You’re here because I trust I’ve made my point over the past few days,” he said. “Appearances may indicate that you’re now free, but it would be a mistake to think that’s the case.”
She glared at him. “So I’m still your prisoner.”
“You’re my wife. And that means you will stand by my side until I indicate I have no further need for your services,” he said.
“My… myservices?” she sputtered.
“That’s correct,” he said. “This is a business arrangement, as you so clearly indicated in your letter. As such, we’re beholden to each other in different ways. I have been appointed pakhan, as was our plan. That means I’ve delivered on my promises. Yours have yet to be fulfilled.”
She studied him. “And do my services include those rendered in the bedroom?”