Page 73 of Captivate
She wanted to open her eyes, but they felt glued shut, and when she tried to sit up, she felt like a lead weight was sitting on her chest.
She drifted.
Sometimes there were noises, and once, a bright light that made her head pound.
She didn’t know if any of it was real. Didn’t know if she was dreaming.
If she was dead.
Then, the light was back, and this time she had the energy to fight against the affront of it. Not with her hands — she didn’t have the strength to lift her arms — but she did manage to turn her head.
The light disappeared and she was once again left in the blessed dark.
It was the voice that made her want to open her eyes.
“Kira… it’s okay. You’re okay. I’m here.”
She tried to say his name, but nothing came out.
“It’s all right, you don’t have to talk,” he said from the darkness.
And then, another voice, an unfamiliar one. “Can you open your eyes for us, Kira?”
She peeled her eyes open, closed them quickly against the harsh light, then opened them again to peer from between her eyelids.
She was in a white room. Her brain searched for the word, fumbled, then found it.
A hospital. She was in a hospital.
Lyon was there, standing next to a dark-haired woman in a white coat.
A doctor?
“Why… what…?” Her words were slurred in spite of her best effort.
“You’ve been hurt,” Lyon said. He spoke so gently. So gently. “But you’re going to be okay.”
“Excuse me,” the doctor said. “I need to do an exam.”
“I’m not leaving,” Lyon said.
She saw that he was sitting on the edge of the bed, holding her hand in his, although she could barely feel it. Her face and body hurt, but the pain was distant, muffled.
“You don’t have to leave,” the doctor said. “Not yet. Just step back.”
He left her side reluctantly, setting her hand gently on the bed, and the doctor pressed some buttons on the machine next to Kira’s bed.
She removed a slender silver object from her lab coat. A moment later, Kira saw that it was a flashlight.
“Can you follow this light?” the woman asked.
Kira did. Or she thought she did. It was hard to tell.
The woman nodded. “Good.” She turned to Lyon. “I need to speak with your wife alone for a moment.”