Page 24 of Devil You Know
“Should I call the company who installed it?” she asked.
“You don’t have to do a thing. We’ll take care of it,” Ford said soothingly.
Logan scowled and started for the hall. Was Fordflirtingwith Ella? Logan had never seen the tattooed giant so chatty.
“I’m going to head back to the apartment and make some calls,” Logan said, glad the hint hit home when Ford followed him toward the front door. “We need to get some more men out here for day-to-day security.”
Ella followed them down the hall. Logan felt her presence at his back.
“See you later, big guy,” Logan called to Leo when they passed the living room.
Leo looked up from his iPad and waved from the sofa. “See you!”
When they got to the door Logan turned toward Ella. “How long do you have the cruiser out front?”
“I’m not sure,” she said. “Not long, I think. It doesn’t look good for Nathan.”
Logan knew what she meant. He’d read more than one article speculating that Nathan Fitzgerald might throw his hat into the ring for the mayorship of Chicago.
“I take it the burgundy Expedition is your tail?” he asked.
She nodded. “For the past few weeks.”
“Has the driver made any kind of contact?” Logan asked.
“No. He just follows me from home to the gym and work and back again. One of the officers out front approached him but couldn’t do more than ask questions the guy wouldn’t answer because the officer didn’t have cause,” she said. “They’re treading carefully. No one wants Vitsin to go free on a technicality.”
Logan sighed. Sometimes it seemed all of life was one big fucking technicality. If the cops started questioning random people associated with Vitsin, his lawyers could make the case that he was being harassed by the D.A.’s office through local law enforcement. They could move for a mistrial or hope the jury saw it as overreach by the cops.
Would it work? Logan didn’t know. But he knew enough to know some beat cop didn’t want to be the reason the city lost its biggest mob trial in fifty years.
He opened the door and stepped onto the porch, then turned to Ella. “I’ll be back in a couple of hours and will be out front all night. Put your number in my phone,” he said, handing it to her. He hoped she wouldn’t ask why he didn’t still have her number. Hoped he wouldn’t have to admit he deleted it after their last dinner together. “I’ll text you so you can call if you have an emergency.”
She took his phone and looked up at him. “You’re going to sit outside all night?”
“I’ll be in my car, but yeah. Ford will spell me in the morning. We should have some more men here by sometime tomorrow,” Logan said.
She opened her mouth to say something else, then closed it and took his phone. She typed in her number and handed it back.
“Have a good night, Ella.”
“Night,” Ford said, following Logan down the walk.
They hit the driveway and Logan waved to the officer in the cruiser before turning his attention to the Expedition parked a couple houses down.
“You going to talk to the guy in the SUV?” Ford asked.
“No point,” Logan said. “They want Ella to know they’re here. They want us to know. I’ve got the license plate, but it’s probably registered to a grandmother in Winnetka.”
“This looks like it could get dicey,” Ford said as they climbed into the Lexus they’d driven to Lake Forest.
“You can bet on it. I’ll contact Mauz tonight and have him put a few of the men on the plane tonight. We’re going to need a lot of coverage for Ella and the boy.”
Logan didn’t want to think of the kid by name. He didn’t want to think of the warm feeling he got in his chest when Leo looked up at him with Ella’s big brown eyes.
He started the car, then thought of something and turned to Ford. “One more thing.”
“Yeah?” Ford said.