Page 77 of Devil You Know
Logan set her down and hurriedly adjusted the blanket.
“I’m cold,” she said, grabbing his hand and pulling him on top of her.
He stretched his body over hers and dove into her mouth. His cock nestled between her thighs, throbbing as he drove his tongue against hers. The sound of the surf washing onto the beach was a match to the blood rushing in his veins, the cool night air against his exposed skin an erotic contrast to the warmth of her body.
Her hands roamed his back, then squeezed his ass, urging him inside her.
He trailed kisses along her jaw and down her neck, pausing to pull one nipple between his lips.
She gasped as he tongued the hard peak and arched her back to meet his mouth.
He was already bursting for her. He knew what it would feel like to slide into her wet heat, to feel her channel envelope his shaft as he rocked against her.
He wasn’t ready. He didn’t know what the future held, but they had this moment, and he was going to cling to it for all he was worth.
He released her nipple and touched his lips to her stomach, kissing the silvery stretch marks he loved, marveling that Leo had grown inside her, that this body he adored, the one that set him on fire, had birthed something so beautiful.
He pushed open her thighs and positioned himself between them, running a thumb over her slippery folds.
She looked down at him through half-closed eyes and he lowered his mouth to her sex, running his tongue slowly through the folds from front to back.
Her sigh was a whisper that matched the tide, and he buried his face in her pussy, pushing his tongue inside her while he cupped her ass on the blanket. She tasted so good, like cool night air and the ocean and memory.
Her clit was swollen and hard, and he flicked his tongue against it, then covered it with his mouth as he slid two fingers inside her.
She moaned, sinking onto his mouth, moving her hips in time to his fingers and tongue, lapping at her clit, sucking until her movements grew more urgent, her breath escaping in shallow gasps.
He felt her orgasm the moment before she came. Her body grew tense, then seemed to freeze right before she shuddered, her tunnel squeezing his fingers as tremors wracked her body.
He didn’t stop working her clit until she tugged at his hair, something she’d always done in the aftermath of an orgasm, when she was momentarily too sensitive to touch.
He lifted his head and kneeled between her thighs, then positioned his engorged head at her entrance. She pushed against it, looking at him with pleading eyes.
“Fuck me, Logan.”
A hoarse groan escaped his lips as he drove into her in one long stroke.
He covered her body with his and pushed her hair back from her face, wanting to memorize it. He’d spent twenty years recycling his old memories of her. If he couldn’t have her forever, he wanted as many new ones as he could get.
He kissed her long and deep and she pulled her knees up around his hips and moved under him, urging him on.
He dropped his head to her shoulder and complied, thrusting into her slow and hard, then faster as she picked up the pace, reaching for another orgasm he was only too eager to deliver.
His body had demands of its own, and he forced himself to hold back as he drove into her, matching her rhythm and pace as she ascended the peak of her climax.
“Come with me,” she gasped. “Please.”
Her pussy tensed, clamping down on his cock, the ocean breeze snatching her cries and pulling them out to sea. He followed her into a void of pure pleasure, pouring into her, becoming part of her the only way he knew how.
The only way that seemed to work.
He didn’t stop moving until he’d wrung every quiver from her body, until she grew still underneath him.
He rolled onto his side and propped himself up to look at her.
She smiled at him. “What?”
He touched her face, memorizing the sweep of her eyelashes, the curve of her cheek, the full lips that had always fit perfectly with his own.