Page 84 of Devil You Know
She looked up at him. “Talk soon?”
She wondered if this was another lie.
She got into the car and he shut the door, then walked around to the driver’s side where Jag sat with the window down.
“Text me when they’re in the air,” Logan said to Jag.
Jag nodded and started the car.
She watched Logan through the windshield until Jag pulled out of the driveway, then looked in the side mirror.
He was still there, standing on the driveway, when they turned the corner.
He paced the house for ten minutes, trying not to think of Ella and Leo on their way to the airport, getting farther and farther away from him. It was quiet, too quiet, the surf at the bottom of the cliff the only sound to break the silence.
He spotted something green sticking out from under the couch and walked over to pull it out.
One of Leo’s stuffed dinosaurs, a T-Rex with a toothy smile.
Logan stared at it for a long moment, then tucked it under his arm and headed for the door. Work was what he needed, and he could have Kaitlyn mail the dinosaur to Chicago while he was at the office.
Fifteen minutes later, he was at his desk, going over status reports for the jobs they had in progress: several celebrities with special events, two politicians with families on the campaign trail, and a couple of rock stars, among others.
He read the reports, but the words swam in his vision, his thoughts with Ella and Leo.
“Hey,” Hawk stepped into the room. “They on their way?”
Logan nodded. “Just left.”
Hawk lowered himself into one of the chairs opposite Logan’s desk. It seemed like he wanted to say something but couldn’t, which was weird, because Hawk always said or did whatever he wanted to say or do.
“What?” Logan asked.
Hawk sighed. “Can I ask you something?”
“How many times are you going to do this?” Hawk asked.
Logan sat back. “Do what?”
“Let her go without a fight,” Hawk said.
Anger flooded Logan’s body, and he leaned forward, pretending to focus on the status reports. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I do,” Hawk said firmly. “In fact, I’d say it’s happened enough that I’m a pro at recognizing it.”
“She does’t want to be here,” Logan said. “She doesn’t want to be with me.”
“I think we both know that’s not true,” Hawk said.
“Then why isn’t she here?” Logan asked, his voice rising as he sat back, giving up on the appearance of work. “Because this was her choice. Again.”
“She’s just scared,” Hawk said.