Page 51 of They Call Me Teddy
I'm still holding her in my arms when a bell I haven't heard in years rings out above us. We both pause, pulling back and looking at one another. It only takes another second before recognition hits and I realize what we're hearing.
"Someone's at the fucking front door!"
"What?" Mia exclaims, her eyes wide.
I step over Jane and grab a pair of pants, pulling them on quickly as I talk. "That bell rings down here too because of some shit Jane set up years ago. It was a warning system in case she was down here and someone showed up."
"Who the hell would show up here?"
"You tell me," I dart a glare. "How has the antiques business been running lately?"
She shakes her head. "It’s been months. She said it was just a break, but she was acting strange already. Fuck, I wish I knew where she was for the last few days."
The bell rings again.
"What do we do?" she asks after another beat. Reaching behind her, I pull out a long blade and sheath from the cupboard behind her, strapping them to my waist.
"We see who it is."