Page 73 of They Call Me Teddy
Chapter Fourteen
Though we have the room for the entire night, I’m glad when Mia agrees to go back to the motel. Despite how shitty it is, familiarity is something I need.
Mia is practically humming with contentment and I have to admit, I did have fun. I’ve been doing more research, trying to figure out more about how to please her. It seems to be working, if her current expression is any indicator.
It’s closer to dawn than not by the time we are walking through the city streets once more. This time of night appeals to me, with fewer people and more shadows. It’s still intimidating to come during the day, but dealing with crowds is slowly getting easier.
“What do you think about—”
A muffled cry comes from the alley we’re passing and Mia stops. We look at each other and wait until the sound is heard again. A slow smile grows on Mia’s lips. Despite my tiredness, I let myself smile and nod to her before following her into the alley.
The streets of the city are a dangerous place. I’ve heard stories of the victims Mia found in alleys much like this one, though at the time, innocence wouldn’t have been on her radar. Now, hearing the sounds of struggle is like music, a sign that a righteous kill is to come.
The shadows swallow us immediately, and it doesn’t take long for my night vision to improve. As we move, the adrenaline rises in me and I look over to Mia, whose eyes are sparkling with excitement.
Another muffled cry, much closer now.
We turn the bend and I grimace even as the man scrambles to pull up his pants and stand. Beneath him, a woman makes a sound and moves, her skirt pulled up past her waist.
“F’off s’me feckin’ privacy,” the man says unintelligibly.
He comes toward Mia and I don’t move, despite how badly I want to gut this scumbag. I know Mia has it, watching as she readies herself for the drunken man’s approach. Behind him, the semi-conscious woman moans again.
“You like little girls, huh,” she goads him, pulling her knife from the sheath on her back. The man falters at the sight, his face paling as he stumbles to a stop a few feet away. With wide eyes, he turns to leave. Mia laughs, the light sound of it echoing through the alley.
“Are you going to let him get away?” I ask her teasingly. She winks at me before bringing up the knife between her fingers and aiming, letting loose.
The man’s screams echo loudly, and I dart a glance back down the alley.
“Make this fast,” I tell Mia, keeping my eyes open. She nods, taking a few large steps before pulling the blade from the man's back with a wet slurp. Blood pours steadily, but it's far from a life-threatening wound. His sobs make my headache amplify and I grit my teeth, subtly pulling a bottle from my pocket and taking a few pills out.
“Awww, did that hurt, precious?” Mia teases as she waves the knife in his face. The man blubbers, snot and tears running down his face as he begs her to not hurt him. She sighs.
“Mia!” I scold.
“Fuck, fine,” she says, rolling her eyes before lashing out and dragging the blade across the man’s throat. His complaints are thankfully silenced and replaced with a gurgling sound. A different type of cry has us both looking up to the woman who is now awake and watching us both.
“P-please don’t hurt me,” the woman says, scrambling further into the pile of garbage she was raped on moments ago. Mia rolls her eyes again and turns her attention back to the man, watching until he slumps over, silent. Mia looks at the woman and then at me and I shake my head. Mia shrugs as though she expected it.
“Alright, I feel even better now,” she says, jumping up with a smile. Stepping over the man's body, she links her arm back with mine and leans up to kiss me.
“I’m hungry. Wanna get some breakfast?”