Page 20 of Possessing Demon
“Right,” she agreed.
“Are you sure that this is what you want, Luna?” Joel asked.
“It is,” she admitted, “I want to be with Demon. I love him, Joel. As crazy as that sounds, I’ve fallen for him too.”
“Well, if you’re happy, then I’m happy,” Joel said, “of course, you’re going to have to convince the rest of your brothers that he’s a good guy, but I trust him. Welcome to the family, Demon.”
Hearing Joel say that had left him feeling a bit choked up. “Thanks, man,” he said, “I appreciate that.”
“Am I safe now?” Luna asked. “Or, will the Ghosts keep coming after me?”
“I’m afraid that you’re not safe yet, honey,” Demon said. “Those guys were just two of the henchmen. There will be others and they’re still coming for Brandon,” he said to Joel. “They want both of you for what you did to them. They won’t stop until they have you both or we bring them down.”
“I guess that we have no choice but to bring them down,” Luna said.
“You’re not a part of this, honey,” Demon said.
“Neither of you is,” Joel corrected. “This is an FBI and police matter. You need to let us handle this. Your job is to keep my sister safe, got it?” he asked Demon. That was something that he’d never have to be told to do.
“Got it,” he agreed.
“I promise to stop running,” she whispered, “I learned my lesson tonight.”
“Finally,” Joel teased, “you need to stick close to Demon. If they want me and Brandon, they’ll stop at nothing to get to us, and that includes coming after our families. I need you to promise me that you’ll let Demon keep you safe until this is all over.”
“I promise,” she agreed.
“And if she tries to run again, I’ll just tie her ass to my bed. She won’t be going anywhere,” he said. Joel’s groan filled the room causing Luna to giggle.
“This is going to be fun,” she teased. “I like it when you make my brother squirm.”
“Okay, well, I’m going to head back to the station. Can you two come in at eleven tomorrow morning?” he asked.
“Sure,” Demon agreed. “Ready to go home, honey?” he asked. He stood and pulled Luna up from the bed with him.
“I’m ready to go home, Demon,” she said. Her brother shook his head and mumbled something about hating Halloween on his way out of her apartment, making them both laugh.
“Well, I for one, happen to love Halloween,” Demon shouted after his buddy. It was the day that he found out that the woman he loved, loved him back. Yeah—Halloween was his new favorite day of the year and it had everything to do with the sassy little vixen standing next to him—his Luna.
The End
I hope you loved Demon and Luna’s story! Now, buckle up and get ready for another Royal Bastard! Mistletoe and Mayhem (Royal Bastards MC Christmas Novella-Book 9), coming soon from K.L. Ramsey!
Brandon Jean stepped out of his vehicle. He knew the drill, he’d be put through the wringer, asked to walk a straight line, recite the alphabet backward, and even be made to take a breathalyzer. The young cop who had pulled him over was out to make his bars and Brandon couldn’t blow his cover. He could flash the kid his badge and let him know that he was FBI, but that would cancel out months of work that he had under his belt, and he couldn’t let that happen. The only good thing about tonight was that Brandon had nothing to drink, even if the young cop didn’t believe him.
“Can you walk heel to toe over to that stop sign, in a straight line, please?” the cop asked.
“Sure, man,” Brandon agreed. He did it and walked back the same way, showing off just a bit. The cop’s smirk told him that he wasn’t buying his act.
“Great,” the young guy said, “now, can you close your eyes, hold your arms out, and then touch your nose with your pointer finger?” Brandon smiled and closed his eyes, passing the second test with flying colors.
“Can we just get to the part where you give me a breathalyzer test?” Brandon asked. “I really have someplace I need to be.” He wasn’t lying. He had to get to Savage Hell and talk to Savage before things got too crazy around there. He couldn’t be seen going in or leaving that place, or the Ghosts would find out about it. They had spies everywhere and he knew that they were still looking for him.
“Fine,” the young cop grumbled. “Wait there,” he ordered. This guy was fucking up protocol time and again but pointing that out to him would only give away that Brandon had gone through the academy and that would land him off his current case. No, he had to play dumb and let the cop fuck this all up. Then, he’d find out who the guy’s superior was and have a little chat with him, behind the scenes.
“Blow into this, please,” the young guy said, handing him the breathalyzer. Brandon did as asked and when it came up that he hadn’t been drinking, he handed it back to the young cop and sighed.