Page 27 of Possessing Demon
“You too, Gavin,” she said.
“You work on base, don’t you?” Gavin said.
“Yes,” she breathed.
“I was sure that I had seen you around. You’re a civilian contractor, aren’t you?” he asked.
“Yes,” she said. That apparently was the only word she could get out.
“You never said why you’re here at my club, man,” Myles said.
“Well, Legend,” Gavin started.
“I thought you said your name was Myles,” Gen interrupted.
“It is, my last name is Legend and we usually go by last names, right Parker?” he asked.
Gavin shrugged, “Sure,” he agreed, “and to answer your question, I kind of followed you here, and well, here we all are. I didn’t know that you two are dating.”
“We’re not,” Myles said. He was so quick to tell his buddy that they weren’t on a date, which kind of hurt Gen’s feelings. But technically, they weren’t on a date, even though she was nervous enough to feel as though she was.
“I see,” Gavin said, pulling out a chair to sit next to Gen.
“Sure, have a seat, man,” Myles drawled.
“Um, if you two will excuse me, I need to run to the ladies’ room.” Gen stood and grabbed her purse.
“Hurry back,” Gavin shouted over his shoulder as she left the table. She didn’t look back at the two guys she had just left behind, because if she did, she wouldn’t just go to the bathroom, but high tail it out of that bar and never go back again. Honestly, that might be a better choice, but she was still hoping to get some time with Myles after he and his friend got done talking. The question was, would he want to spend some time getting to know her after she acted like a nervous wreck around him?
Gavin Parker wanted to talk to the pretty beach bum that had shown up on base a few months ago. God, Myles Legend was just his type, but he couldn’t just blurt that out around the base. No, if he wanted his chance with Legend, he’d have to find him on his own turf and talk to him privately.
“So, you followed me here?” Legend asked.
“Yeah, I hope that was okay. Honestly, I just wanted to talk to you, and I didn’t want to do it around the Arsenal.”
“That seems to be the running theme here tonight,” he said.
“What?” Gavin asked.
“What I mean is that you’re not the first person to follow me here tonight,” Legend said.
“Do you mean Gen?” Gavin asked. “She followed you here too?”
“Yeah, and I’m trying to figure this all out. I mean, she said that I didn’t notice her on base, so she kind of stalked me to see where I went after work every day, and now, you’re telling me the same story. I’m just trying to keep up here,” Legend said.
“How about you don’t try to figure it all out and just go with it?” Gavin asked.
“You haven’t known me very long, Parker, but that’s just not my style,” Legend admitted.
“Well, we have been working together for the past few months, and I see you just about every day,” Gavin said.
“Right, and don’t forget that you follow me around after work,” he said.
“Yeah, there’s that too,” Gavin teased. “I’m not trying to freak you out, but I just wanted a chance to talk to you outside of work,” he said.
“Okay, what would you like to talk about?” Legend asked. He wasn’t sure if just blurting it out was a good idea or not. Gavin had never been one to put himself out there when it came to dating—especially when it came to dating men. He hated feeling so unsure of himself, but when it came to asking a guy out, he was a nervous wreck. It was so much easier to ask a woman out. Hell, he didn’t even know if Legend liked guys. Gavin had thought that he had picked up on those vibes coming from Legend but walking into Savage Hell and finding him sitting with a woman in the corner of the bar had him rethinking his whole plan.