Page 3 of Possessing Demon
“Not a chance,” Demon said. “I’ll duct tape her ass to a chair if I need to, don’t you worry, man,” he assured. “She’s not going anywhere.” Joel crossed the room and gently kissed her cheek. Luna knew that she winced in pain, but she couldn’t help it, and if her older brother felt just a little bit bad about causing her pain, then she was fine with it.
“I’ll see you soon, Sis,” he promised.
“Whatever,” she mumbled under her breath. Joel sighed and left the office, leaving her sitting there with her new protector. The big older guy followed her brother out of the office, and she could hear that they were having a muffled conversation outside in the hallway. She strained her ears, trying to listen to what they were saying, but Luna had no luck eavesdropping.
“So, besides being trouble, you’re nosey too?” Demon asked.
“What I am and am not is none of your fucking business, Grandpa,” she spat. Yeah, she was being a bitch, but she didn’t care. Luna didn’t ask for any of this shit. She was just going about her day when that asshole from the Ghosts beat the shit out of her, and now, she was regretting calling her brother for help. If she would have just kept all of this mess to herself, she wouldn’t need a babysitter. And no matter how attractive she thought Grandpa was, she didn’t need a fucking protector.
“How about you sit tight and let me work a few things out and then, we’ll get out of here?” Demon offered.
“Fine,” she said, crossing her arms tighter over her chest. He looked her over and laughed, walking out to the hallway to join the conversation that her brother and the old guy were having.
She wished she had her phone, but Joel took that from her, along with her purse and car keys. He was treating her like a child, and she couldn’t do a damn thing about it. Instead, she was supposed to sit on the sofa at a dive bar and behave herself. Yeah, that shit wasn’t going to fly with her.
Luna listened for the hushed voices, making sure that the three guys were still talking, and then decided to try the window. She stood and tiptoed over to the office’s only window, tugging at the locks, but they wouldn’t budge.
“Shit,” she whispered.
“Oh yeah,” Demon said from behind her. “Your brother’s right, you’re going to give me trouble at every turn, aren’t you, honey?”
“I’m not your honey, asshole,” she spat. “And I can save you a whole bunch of trouble. All you have to do is just let me go, and problem solved. You won’t have any more trouble and I won’t have an asshole for a babysitter.”
“Well, I have to say, I like being called an asshole a whole lot more than I liked being called Grandpa,” he said. “Since you’re so eager to get outside, I think it’s time that we high-tail it out of here.”
“Who the hell talks like that?” she sassed. “Now, you’re just trying to sound old, aren’t you?”
“You know, I like a good challenge, Luna,” Demon said. “And you know what I like to do to little girls who talk shit?”
She wasn’t sure if she wanted to know the answer to his question or not. She shrugged and his smile grew mean. “I warm their asses until they learn to behave. Tell me that you’ll need me to do that for you, Luna,” he begged. “My hand is just itching to smack that sweet ass of yours to teach you a lesson.”
She gasped and reached around to cover her ass with her hands. “You wouldn’t dare,” she challenged.
“See now, you don’t know me, Luna,” he said. “But if you did, you’d know that I would dare. Try me, honey,” he said. “I dare you.” He might not back down from a challenge, but she never backed down from a fucking dare.
“Dare accepted, Grandpa,” she sassed. Demon huffed out his breath and grabbed her arm.
“You had to push, didn’t you, honey?” he asked. She knew that he wasn’t looking for a response to his question.
“What are you going to do?” Luna breathed.
“You’ll see soon enough, honey,” he promised. She wasn’t sure if she was scared out of her mind or turned on. Probably a bit of both and from the way Demon was looking at her, he knew it too.
Demon wasn’t quite sure what to do with his new ward. She was certainly a handful and honestly, spanking her sexy ass red appealed to him. But he made a promise to Savage and there was no way that he’d break that promise to him or his club. He was the club’s enforcer and that was a position that he took as seriously as his time in the military.
Luna sat in his pickup truck looking out the window, trying to ignore him. “Where exactly are you taking me?” she spat.
“I’m not entirely sure. I have a few options,” he lied. He didn’t have a plan, and that wasn’t like him. Demon usually had a plan for just about everything that he did. But having Luna dumped on him really threw him for a loop.
“I have a suggestion,” she sassed, “how about you take me to work so that I don’t get fired?”
“Your brother already discussed this with you, honey. You can’t go to work because it’s not safe and Joel has already talked to your boss. What do you do exactly?” Her brother had mentioned something about a tattoo shop.
“I’m a tattoo artist,” she said, “and I love my job. I had clients booked for today and they won’t like it if I have to cancel on them. Rico will fire me.”
“I’m sure your boss will understand,” Demon offered.