Page 11 of Ruthless Hunter
The shrill laughter died instantly. But it didn’t matter, not where Finley was concerned. He wrenched a savage gaze toward the chuckling idiot. “You think that’s funny? What kind of piece of shit are you?”
The guy swallowed hard and lifted his hands, those laughing eyes not laughing anymore. “Finley…dude, I didn’t know she was with you.”
“I got her,” the redhead murmured beside me.
“Didn’t know she was with me,” Finley repeated slowly, and turned toward the guy.
The movement itself was truly terrifying. I knew how the Salvatore name was whispered, knew better than most. Thugs. Killers.Dangerous.But it was more than that, I saw that now. Even amongst the heirs of the other families, they were feared.
“It’s okay—” I started, until the redhead squeezed my arm.
She cut me a look, then slowly shook her head.Let him do what he’s made for.
Made for…the words were trapped in my head, as though Fin was a recipe crafted to inflict pain and terror. Maybe he was. Maybe that’s what someone like him was good at, breaking bones and ending reigns.
He took a step toward the asshole, cutting a glare across the others as he passed. A predatory wolf dressed in Valentino…one who was narrowed in on his kill.
He’d changed in the last eight months. For a while after the death of his mom, he’d tried, sending me messages in the middle of the night. Until the night dad had come home with blood on his shirt. After that, there was nothing. The ocean breeze turned cold. Now I saw what had kept him so goddamn busy…he'd been preoccupied with becoming his father.
This was about more than a fat lip and the lowlife scum who liked to bully and break. This was about loyalty…about not touching what was the Salvatores',and right now they were all looking at me like that…like I belonged to him.
“What’s your fucking name?” Finley demanded.
The asshole’s eyes widened, and those who stood next to him took three steps away in any direction they could.
“Your fuckingname.”
“D-Dante…” the guy stuttered.
“Cavalaro?” Finley let the name roll across his tongue, his gaze unmerciful. “I thought you guys were thrown out?” There was a shake of the guy's head, one that snapped sideways as Finley jerked him close with one hand. “Weren't you fucking thrown out of the fold, D-Dante C-Cavalaro?
“W-we were br-brought back in.”
Splayed fingers clenched into a fist. The movement wasn’t lost on Dante.
“You make fun of another woman again,” Finley started, “especiallythatwoman, and I’ll make sure you’re not only out…but you’re so far fucking out they won’t find you ever again. You got me?”
The guy nodded so hard I thought his head would snap off.
“Now get your shit and fuck off. Make sure I don’t see your ugly goddamn face again, or I’ll ram my fist through your teeth.”
He let him go with a shove. This time it was the guy who hit the ground. Only no one was laughing, or staring. Not at Dante Cavalaro, anyway. They all stared at Finley…until he cut a glare through the rest of them and they quickly turned away.
Not one fucking word more was spoken…not until their Dolce and Gabbanas clattered as they scurried away. Then the low drone of their voices caught the wind, whispers and gossip I just knew would be about me.
Fin turned back toward me, glancing once at the stunning redhead at my side before striding my way. “You sure you’re okay?” His thumb gently brushed my bloodied lip as he winced.
“A perfect way to make a first impression, right?” I muttered and glanced toward the rise as the others disappeared into the dark.
“Fuck what they think, I don’t care,” he answered, the crook of his finger capturing my chin.
No, no, don’t do this,the words surfaced as a lick of heat moved through me. Movement came at my side, with awkward glances from the redhead. I'd forgotten she was still there.
With an awkward smile, I took a small step backwards. “Thank you.”