Page 111 of Ruthless Hunter
You won’t find him…
You won’t find him…
I curled my fingers at the words as they rose. Her face half bathed in shadows. “You should’ve kept that secret to yourself.” I caressed her cheek with my curled knuckle.
But she didn’t, did she? She has to unburden herself in my arms.
And now I didn’t know what to do with that information.
I closed my eyes as the battle raged inside me.Tell him…tell my father. Get our money…find those responsible for Mom’s death, and go to war.It’s what any good son would do, right? It’s what aSalvatorewould do.
Her lips parted, her breaths coming harder now. She thrashed her head and threw her hand out from her side.
“Easy,” I murmured, and brushed a lock of hair from her face.
But she moved from my touch, twisting in the bed until my bathrobe she was wearing parted. I swallowed hard as the opening revealed part of her breast, her soft, perfect, pink skin. I licked my lips and glanced at her face, only to find her eyes still closed.
Her breaths were deeper now, slow and controlled. But it was the sight of her body that drew my gaze back. The dusty pink of her nipple was fucking intoxicating. My damn fingers trembled as I touched the thick fabric of the robe and eased it aside.
Fuck me.
That tender flesh was tight and puckered, the tiny point perfect and hard. Christ, I ached at the sight. My mouth watered…my cock came alive. That fucking thunder in my head was insistent, forcing me to touch her. Warmth danced across my callused thumb as I skimmed the edges, then moved across the peak.
A moan tore from her lips, low, bestial…hungry.
I was already moving before I knew it, leaning down until I kissed the peak. But I didn’t just stop there…I didn’t do what any man with morals might do…because that wasn’t who I was.
Instead, I closed my eyes and shifted closer, taking her deeper into my mouth. My tongue dancing over that nub in my mouth. I was a bastard. A sick, foul piece of shit that didn’t deserve to touch her like this. I didn’t deserve to touch her at all. Not look at her. Not even know she existed.
I'd dirtied her with my touch.
I'd tainted her with my goddamn need.
I'd fuckingruined her.
I closed my eyes as that echoed in my head. The taste of my soap still clung to her skin. I breathed in the scent and pressed harder, driving my body against her. She let out another moan, drawing my gaze, and damn me if her lips weren’t parted with desire.
I rested my hand on her hip before pulling away, but the robe parted further as my hand slipped. Her thighs moved and her knees slid against each other before they parted. The hunger raged inside me. The beast that howled for blood. If I was anywhere else…with anyone else,I’d be terrifying. But here…with her, I stood in the eye of my own fucking storm.
I stared at the juncture of her thighs and thought about bloodshed.
“Fin?” she whispered, drawing my gaze.
Heat burned in my cheeks as I met her stare. But there was no confusion in her eyes, no disjointed and dreamy glaze as she fought the effects of the sedative. Her eyes were as clear as ever.
I swallowed hard. “Anna?”
“What happened?” she asked.
I brushed my thumb across her cheek. “What do you remember?”
Her brow furrowed in concentration. It was a look I’d seen many damn times. Her hunched over the keyboard as the rolling screens cast splashes of black and green and red across her face.
Her cheeks blushed as she murmured, “I remember us.”
Us?It took me a second to register. Then the memory of the classroom came flooding back. Before my world was turned upside down and Alexi found out the Ghost was right under his goddamn nose.
I came back to the present and to her stare. “Anything after that?”