Page 122 of Ruthless Hunter
“He’s going to kill her…Damon’s going to kill Kat.”
“What the fuck!Anna, are you at home?”
“Did he…did he hurt you?” I didn’t recognize the voice on the other end of the phone.Dark. Terrifying.The thud of boots resounded like a heartbeat.
Was that my heartbeat? “I think he broke something in my face.”
“He’s afucking dead man!Hold on…I’m almost there. Anna…I’m almost there!”
But I couldn’t…not anymore. The phone slipped from my hold to smack against the tiled floor. All I could see was Kat, motionless, as Damon slowly pushed himself up from the sofa. The sound of his harsh breaths filled the room as he turned his attention to me.
“You shouldn’t have done that, Anna…”He swayed and took a step toward me. “Now I’m going to have to hurt you too.”
“Anna!”I screamed. But the phone was dead now…dead.
I swiveled toward the voice, panic punching through me. Pavlov just stood there, hands fisted at his sides as he glared at the phone in my hand, worry hardening his tone. “What’s wrong?”
I took a step toward him, stabbed him in the chest with my finger as desperation roared. “Do the fucking job I gave you, Pavlov…and this time,make sure no one but me and you knows. Understand?”
The former Special Forces operative gave a hard nod.
“No one else, Pavlov.” I turned and lunged toward the elevator, frantically stabbing the button. “And make sure he stays alive."
Help me…
He’s going to kill her…Damon’s going to kill Kat.
With a snarl, I spun, my heart booming in my head.
Help me…
I tore through my apartment and shoved the stairwell door open, leaving it to slam behind me with abang!The sound was too much like a gunshot,far too much. Stairs were a blur under my feet as I lunged, taking three and four at a time, and shoved through into the foyer.
Hard breaths claimed me.
But it was empty…it was fucking empty.
I clenched my jaw and tore through the open glass door and out into the light.Get to her…GET TO HER!The night was a blur as I drove my body harder…slamming my boots against the pathway as I raced toward building one and rounded the corner.
Movement came out of nowhere at me, stepping out of the garden filled with thick green palms. I slammed into something hard. Someone who seethed with anger. Lazarus Rossi’s blue eyes were wild as he cocked his fist and swung.
“Fucking running from me,Salvatore?”Lazarus barked.
Hate burned in his gaze. Forbidding and infernal, like the blue flames of Hell. I jerked my gaze to the building in the distance and tried to catch my breath. “Get the fuck out of my way, Rossi!”
“Get the fuck out ofyour way?”His cold, controlled words belied his rage. “Get the fuck. Out. Of. Your. Way? You fuckingdruggedmeSalvatore!”