Page 143 of Ruthless Hunter
I did this…I did this…I…
I stepped out of the elevator as Lazarus’s guard lifted his gaze from his phone. One fucking look, and I knew he’d donesomething.“Who the fuck are you texting?” I growled, and jerked my gaze to his phone.
“Mr. Salvatore,” he gulped, and shook his head.
“I said…who the fuck are you texting?”I repeated, reaching behind me.
His eyes widened at the movement as he shook his head again.
“Whoa!” His partner lifted a hand in surrender and took a step forward. “I told him to. Told him to let your bodyguard know you needed him.”
“What?”Panic roared through me.Max?“No…”
I jerked my gaze to the doors as my phone gave abeep.
Pavlov: Can’t talk. Head to hangar now! She’s there.
She’s there.She’s there…what the fuck was she doing at the hangar? I lunged toward the door, hitting the glass with athudand slipping through.The hangar…the hangar…the hangar. She’s leaving me.The words were a like a dagger to my chest. I lowered my head and charged into the howling wind. Lightning slashed the sky, forking and brightening for a second.
“Fin!”The roar rivalled the deafening boom of thunder.
I jerked my head toward the movement as Max charged from between the palms and headed for me.
“What thefuckis going on?” he barked, grabbing my arm and jerking me to a stop.
But I couldn’t stop…not when she was leaving.
“Fin!”Max growled, stepping in my way.
I tried to move around him, but the bastard blocked every goddamn lunge.“Get the fuck out of my way, Max!”
“What the fuck has gotten into you?” he yelled, his hold like a steel clamp around my arm.
Panic surged as I jerked my gaze to his.Tell him! Tell him you saw him. Tell him you don’t fucking trust him where Anna is concerned.But as I settled on his gaze, I said none of that. I just wrenched my arm from his hold and forced through clenched teeth, “She’s at the hangar…and she’s in trouble.”
But inside, I was panicking. What about Pavlov…what about her dad?
“She’s at the damn hangar? What the hell is she doing there?”
“I don’t have time to fucking discuss this with you!” I took a step, gathering all that Salvatore rage. “Now, either help me or get out of my goddamn way.”
I’d never spoken to him like that, never spoken toanyonelike that. Not before Anna. Not before…before I had something worth fighting for.Max searched my eyes, then lifted his gaze to the brightening sky. “Fine,” he grunted. “Whatever you want, Fin, but I’m coming with you.”
I had no time to argue as he turned and took off at a run. I drove myself forward, my boots slamming against the pavement as I raced past the apartment buildings and into the darkness.
Anna…she consumed me, drove me. The pain and anger in her words driving me ever harder and faster. I caught up with Max, then passed him, lifting my gaze to the towering warehouse in the distance. I’d sent Pavlov to get her father. To keep him safe…safe for her.
It was supposed to be an easy fucking mission, in and out, keep her father hostage in one of the unused buildings until I could figure out a way to get out of this, until I could figure out a way to get them free. There was no way I could stop the inevitable now, no way I could stop my father from finding out about her plan to leave us once and for all.
But could I let her go?
That was the demon I battled, the one that wore the face of my father and sounded like my mother. The one who screamedNO!but at the same time ached foryes…For Anna to have the kind of life someone kind and sweet like her deserved. Not one that was called by the hands of a tyrant…like…me?
The thought slammed into me as I raced toward the hangar.Bang!The sound of a gunshot tore a scream of terror from me. But Max was already shoving his arm out wide, driving against my shoulder…pushing me out of the way as he charged through the open side door, disappearing into the dimness inside.
Anna’s screams resounded in the space, coming from somewhere deeper within.
But then lightning lit up the sky. The brilliance lingered, splashing against the walls of the hangar hallway for a second…and the smear of fresh blood. Blood that was…blood that could be...hers.“Anna!” I screamed, racing after Max.